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There are 16 words containing G, L, 2N, 2R and U

CONCURRINGLYconcurringly adv. In a concurring manner; concurrently.
CONCURRING adv. CONCUR, to concur.
COUNTERRALLYINGcounterrallying v. Present participle of counterrally.
COUNTERRALLY v. to rally in opposition.
INTERGRANULARintergranular adj. (Metallurgy) Occurring along the boundaries between the crystals or grains of a metal.
INTERGRANULAR adj. between granules.
NONAGRICULTURALnonagricultural adj. Not agricultural; not related to or used in agriculture.
non-agricultural adj. Alternative spelling of nonagricultural.
NONAGRICULTURAL adj. not agricultural.
NONGRANULARnongranular adj. Not granular; not in the form of grains.
NONGRANULAR adj. not granular.
NONREGULATORYnonregulatory adj. Not regulatory.
RELAUNDERINGrelaundering v. Present participle of relaunder.
RELAUNDER v. to launder again.
UNDERDELIVERINGunderdelivering v. Present participle of underdeliver.
UNDERDELIVER v. to fail to achieve what has been expected or promised.
UNERRINGLYunerringly adv. Without making a mistake, perfectly, directly.
UNERRING adv. not erring.
UNMURMURINGLYunmurmuringly adv. Without protest or complaint.
UNMURMURING adv. not murmuring.
UNREGENERATELYunregenerately adv. In an unregenerate manner.
UNREGENERATE adv. not regenerate.
UNRETURNINGLYunreturningly adv. Without returning or coming back.
UNRETURNING adv. not returning.
UNREWARDINGLYunrewardingly adv. In an unrewarding manner.
UNSURPRISINGLYunsurprisingly adv. Not surprisingly, as could be expected.
UNSURPRISING adv. not surprising or unexpected.
VERNACULARISINGvernacularising v. Present participle of vernacularise.
VERNACULARISE v. to make vernacular, also VERNACULARIZE.
VERNACULARIZINGvernacularizing v. Present participle of vernacularize.
VERNACULARIZE v. to make vernacular, also VERNACULARISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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