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There are 15 words containing G, 2L, N, 2R and U

BLURRINGLYblurringly adv. In a blurring manner.
BLURRING adv. BLUR, to make indistinct.
GRANULARLYgranularly adv. In a granular way.
GRANULAR adv. consisting of or like grains or granules, also GRANULARY.
QUARRELLINGquarrelling v. Present participle of quarrel.
quarrelling n. A heated argument.
QUARRELLING n. the act of quarrelling.
QUARRELLINGSquarrellings n. Plural of quarrelling.
QUARRELLING n. the act of quarrelling.
SQUIRRELLINGsquirrelling v. Present participle of squirrel.
squirrelling n. Storing up, hoarding.
squirrelling n. (Obsolete) The sport of hunting squirrels.
TRIANGULARLYtriangularly adv. In a triangular manner.
TRIANGULAR adv. having the form of a triangle.
ANTIGUERRILLAantiguerrilla adj. (Military) Opposing or countering guerrillas.
ANTIGUERRILLA adj. designed to counter guerrillas.
RECTANGULARLYrectangularly adv. In a rectangular manner.
RECTANGULAR adv. shaped like a rectangle.
ANTIGUERRILLASSorry, definition not available.
QUADRANGULARLYquadrangularly adv. In a quadrangular shape or manner.
QUADRANGULAR adv. like a quadrangle.
ULTRAFILTERINGultrafiltering v. Present participle of ultrafilter.
ULTRAFILTER v. to pass through an ultrafilter.
COUNTERGUERILLAcounterguerilla adj. Alternative spelling of counterguerrilla.
COUNTERGUERILLA n. a guerrilla fighting other guerillas.
COUNTERRALLYINGcounterrallying v. Present participle of counterrally.
COUNTERRALLY v. to rally in opposition.
NEUROSURGICALLYneurosurgically adv. In a neurosurgical manner; with regard to, or by means of, neurosurgery.
NEUROSURGICAL adv. relating to neurosurgery.
NONAGRICULTURALnonagricultural adj. Not agricultural; not related to or used in agriculture.
non-agricultural adj. Alternative spelling of nonagricultural.
NONAGRICULTURAL adj. not agricultural.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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