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There are 16 words containing G, 2L, N, P, R and U

UPROLLINGuprolling v. Present participle of uproll.
UPROLL v. to roll upward.
PRELINGUALprelingual adj. Before learning language.
prelingual adj. (Anatomy) anterior to the tongue.
PRELINGUAL adj. before the use of language.
PLURALISINGpluralising v. Present participle of pluralise.
PLURALISE v. to make plural.
PLURALIZINGpluralizing v. Present participle of pluralize.
PLURALIZE v. to make plural, also PLURALISE.
SPURGALLINGspurgalling v. Present participle of spurgall.
SPURGALL v. to injure with a spur.
WIREPULLINGwirepulling v. Present participle of wirepull.
WIREPULLING n. the use of private or secret influence for one's own ends.
PRELINGUALLYprelingually adv. In a prelingual manner.
PRELINGUAL adv. before the use of language.
SUPERSELLINGsuperselling v. Present participle of supersell.
SUPERSELL v. to sell in exceptional quantities.
WIREPULLINGSWIREPULLING n. the use of private or secret influence for one's own ends.
PORTCULLISINGportcullising v. Present participle of portcullis.
PORTCULLIS v. to obstruct as with a portcullis.
SPLUTTERINGLYsplutteringly adv. With spluttering noises.
SPLUTTERING adv. speaking rapidly and confusedly.
UNAPPARELLINGunapparelling v. Present participle of unapparel.
UNAPPAREL v. to divest of clothing; to strip.
BULLETPROOFINGbulletproofing v. Present participle of bulletproof.
BULLETPROOF v. to make impenetrable to bullets.
LYMPHOGRANULOMAlymphogranuloma n. Lymphogranuloma venereum.
LYMPHOGRANULOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands.
OVERMULTIPLYINGovermultiplying v. Present participle of overmultiply.
OVERMULTIPLY v. to become too numerous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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