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There are 18 words containing G, I, M, 3N and Y

ANONYMISINGanonymising v. Present participle of anonymise.
ANONYMISE v. to make anonymous, also ANONYMIZE.
ANONYMIZINGanonymizing v. Present participle of anonymize.
ANONYMIZE v. to make anonymous, also ANONYMISE.
CONDEMNINGLYcondemningly adv. In a condemning fashion.
CONDEMNING adv. CONDEMN, to judge unfavourably.
HONEYMONTHINGHONEYMONTH v. (obsolete) to spend one's honeymoon, also HONEYMOON.
HONEYMOONINGhoneymooning v. Present participle of honeymoon.
honeymooning n. A honeymoon.
honeymooning adj. On a honeymoon.
INDEMNIFYINGindemnifying v. Present participle of indemnify.
INDEMNIFY v. to secure, to compensate.
MONEYLENDINGmoneylending n. The practice of lending money.
MONEYLENDING n. the business of lending money.
MONEYLENDINGSMONEYLENDING n. the business of lending money.
MONEYSPINNINGmoneyspinning adj. Alternative form of money-spinning.
money-spinning adj. Serving to generate a continuous income.
MONEYSPINNING adj. serving to make much money.
MONOGYNIANmonogynian adj. (Botany) Relating to the Monogynia; monogynous.
MONOGYNIAN adj. pertaining to the Monogynia.
NONCOMPLYINGnoncomplying adj. That does not comply with a rule or regulation.
noncomplying n. The refusal to comply. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
NONCOMPLYING n. the failure to comply; noncompliance.
NONCOMPLYINGSNONCOMPLYING n. the failure to comply; noncompliance.
NONHOMOGENEITYnonhomogeneity n. Absence of homogeneity.
NONHOMOGENEITY n. the state of being not homogeneous.
SYNONYMISINGsynonymising v. Present participle of synonymise.
SYNONYMISE v. to make synonymous, also SYNONYMIZE.
SYNONYMIZINGsynonymizing v. Present participle of synonymize.
SYNONYMIZE v. to make synonymous, also SYNONYMISE.
UNCOMPLAININGLYuncomplainingly adv. In an uncomplaining manner.
UNCOMPLAINING adv. not complaining.
UNDEMANDINGLYundemandingly adv. In an undemanding way; not demanding anything or anyone.
UNMEANINGLYunmeaningly adv. In an unmeaning way; without meaning.
UNMEANING adv. having no meaning or signification; as, unmeaning words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 239 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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