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There are 20 words containing G, I, M and 4N

MACHINEGUNNINGmachinegunning v. Present participle of machinegun.
machine-gunning v. Present participle of machine-gun.
MACHINEGUN v. to shoot with a machinegun.
MAINTENANCINGMAINTENANCE v. to keep in working order.
MONEYSPINNINGmoneyspinning adj. Alternative form of money-spinning.
money-spinning adj. Serving to generate a continuous income.
MONEYSPINNING adj. serving to make much money.
NONALIGNMENTnonalignment n. The condition of being nonaligned.
non-alignment n. Alternative form of nonalignment.
NONALIGNMENT n. the state of being nonaligned.
NONALIGNMENTSnonalignments n. Plural of nonalignment.
NONALIGNMENT n. the state of being nonaligned.
NONCONFORMINGnonconforming adj. That does not conform, for example to cultural norms, official regulations, or the rules of an established church.
non-conforming adj. Alternative form of nonconforming.
NONCONFORMING n. the act of not conforming.
NONCONFORMINGSNONCONFORMING n. the act of not conforming.
NONCONSUMINGnonconsuming adj. Not consuming.
NONCONSUMING adj. not consuming.
NONDEMANDINGnondemanding adj. Undemanding.
NONDEMANDING adj. not demanding.
NONINFRINGEMENTnoninfringement n. Absence of infringement.
NONINFRINGEMENT n. something that is not an infringement.
NONINTIMIDATINGnonintimidating adj. Not intimidating.
NONINTIMIDATING adj. not intimidating.
NONMALIGNANTnonmalignant adj. Not malignant, without malice.
nonmalignant adj. (Medicine) Of a growth in the body, not cancerous.
non-malignant adj. Alternative form of nonmalignant.
NONMEANINGFULnonmeaningful adj. Not meaningful.
NONMEANINGFUL adj. not meaningful.
NONTERMINATINGnonterminating adj. That does not terminate; unending.
NONTERMINATING adj. not terminating or ending.
UNDEMANDINGNESSundemandingness n. The quality of being undemanding; lack of difficulty or challenge.
UNDERMANNINGundermanning v. Present participle of underman.
UNDERMANNING n. the state of not having enough employees.
UNDERMANNINGSUNDERMANNING n. the state of not having enough employees.
UNMANNINGunmanning v. Present participle of unman.
unmanning adj. That destroys manly virtues or qualities; that renders effeminate or helpless.
unmanning n. The removal of manly qualities.
UNMEANINGNESSunmeaningness n. (Dated) The quality of being unmeaning; insignificance.
UNMEANINGNESS n. the state of being unmeaning.
UNMEANINGNESSESunmeaningnesses n. Plural of unmeaningness.
UNMEANINGNESS n. the state of being unmeaning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 262 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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