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There are 14 words containing G, I, 2M, 2R and U

MURMURINGmurmuring v. Present participle of murmur.
murmuring n. A sound that murmurs.
murmuring n. A complaint against something.
MURMURINGSmurmurings n. Plural of murmuring.
MURMURING n. the act of murmuring.
MURMURINGLYmurmuringly adv. With a murmuring sound.
REMURMURINGremurmuring v. Present participle of remurmur.
REMURMUR v. to murmur again; to utter back, or reply, in murmurs.
UNMURMURINGunmurmuring adj. Not murmuring; without protest or complaint.
UNMURMURING adj. not murmuring.
CIRCUMMURINGcircummuring v. Present participle of circummure.
CIRCUMMURE v. (Shakespeare) to wall round.
SUBMICROGRAMsubmicrogram adj. Being or relating to a quantity of less than a microgram.
submicrogram n. An amount that is less than a microgram.
SUBMICROGRAM adj. relating to or having a mass of less than one microgram.
UNMURMURINGLYunmurmuringly adv. Without protest or complaint.
UNMURMURING adv. not murmuring.
UNREMEMBERINGunremembering adj. Not remembering; forgetful.
UNREMEMBERING adj. not remembering.
RUMORMONGERINGrumormongering v. Present participle of rumormonger.
RUMORMONGERING n. the spreading of rumours.
MACROSPORANGIUMmacrosporangium n. (Botany) A megasporangium; sporangium or conceptacle containing only large spores; opposed to microsporangium.
MACROSPORANGIUM n. a sporangium producing only megaspores.
MICROSPORANGIUMmicrosporangium n. (Botany) A case, capsule or container that holds microspores.
MICROSPORANGIUM n. the sporangium in heterosporous plants where the microspores develop.
RUMORMONGERINGSRUMORMONGERING n. the spreading of rumours.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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