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There are 12 words containing G, I, L, M, S, U and V

CYTOMEGALOVIRUScytomegalovirus n. (Virology) Any of several herpes viruses, of the genus Cytomegalovirus, that infect the salivary glands…
Cytomegalovirus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Herpesviridae – certain herpesviruses.
CYTOMEGALOVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses containing DNA of the herpes family, which cause cells which they infect to enlarge and may cause an illness similar to glandular fever.
DIVULGEMENTSDIVULGEMENT n. the act of divulging.
EVANGELARIUMSEVANGELARIUM n. a book containing passages from the gospels to be used as part of the liturgy, also EVANGELIAR, EVANGELIARION, EVANGELIARIUM, EVANGELIARY.
EVANGELIARIUMSEVANGELIARIUM n. (Latin) a book of passages from the Gospels to be used at Mass or other services, also EVANGELARIUM, EVANGELIAR, EVANGELIARION, EVANGELIARY.
MISEVALUATINGmisevaluating v. Present participle of misevaluate.
MISEVALUATE v. to evaluate wrongly.
MISVALUINGmisvaluing v. Present participle of misvalue.
MISVALUE v. to value incorrectly.
MULTIGRAVIDASmultigravidas n. Plural of multigravida.
MULTIGRAVIDA n. a woman pregnant for at least the third time.
OVERGLAMOURIZESSorry, definition not available.
OVERSTIMULATINGoverstimulating v. Present participle of overstimulate.
OVERSTIMULATE v. to stimulate excessively.
VOLUMISINGvolumising v. Present participle of volumise.
VOLUMISE v. to give extra body to hair, also VOLUMIZE.
VULGARISMvulgarism n. (Grammar) A word or term that is considered offensive or vulgar.
vulgarism n. A spelling, word, or phrase used in common speech that is considered improper or incorrect for formal communication.
VULGARISM n. a coarse, substandard or obscene expression.
VULGARISMSvulgarisms n. Plural of vulgarism.
VULGARISM n. a coarse, substandard or obscene expression.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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