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There are 17 words containing G, I, K, N and 3O

KONIOLOGYkoniology n. The study of dust, pollen and other airborne particles.
KONIOLOGY n. the study of atmospheric pollutants and dust, also CONIOLOGY.
NOGOODNIKnogoodnik n. A ne’er-do-well; an individual who is no good.
no-goodnik n. Alternative spelling of nogoodnik.
NOGOODNIK n. a worthless character.
ONLOOKINGonlooking adj. That is looking on; watching, observing.
ONLOOKING adj. watching.
NOGOODNIKSnogoodniks n. Plural of nogoodnik.
no-goodniks n. Plural of no-goodnik.
NOGOODNIK n. a worthless character.
OUTCOOKINGoutcooking v. Present participle of outcook.
OUTCOOK v. to surpass in cooking.
OUTLOOKINGoutlooking v. Present participle of outlook.
OUTLOOK v. to look out.
KONIOLOGIESKONIOLOGY n. the study of atmospheric pollutants and dust, also CONIOLOGY.
OVERBOOKINGoverbooking v. Present participle of overbook.
overbooking n. An instance of selling or guaranteeing more seats than are available.
OVERBOOKING n. the act of booking more than necessary.
OVERCOOKINGovercooking v. Present participle of overcook.
OVERCOOK v. to cook too long.
OVERLOOKINGoverlooking v. Present participle of overlook.
OVERLOOK v. to fail to notice.
WOODWORKINGwoodworking n. The crafts of carpentry, cabinet making and related skills of making things from wood.
woodworking v. Present participle of woodwork.
WOODWORKING n. the process of working wood into a useful or desired form.
BOOKCROSSINGbookcrossing v. Present participle of bookcross.
bookcrossing n. The practice of leaving a book in a public location to be found and read by others, who then do the same.
BOOKCROSSING n. the practice of leaving a book in a public location to be found and read by others, who then do the same.
DOORKNOCKINGdoorknocking v. Present participle of doorknock.
DOORKNOCK v. to go from door to door.
OVERBOOKINGSoverbookings n. Plural of overbooking.
OVERBOOKING n. the act of booking more than necessary.
WOODWORKINGSwoodworkings n. Plural of woodworking.
WOODWORKING n. the process of working wood into a useful or desired form.
BOOKCROSSINGSbookcrossings n. Plural of bookcrossing.
BOOKCROSSING n. the practice of leaving a book in a public location to be found and read by others, who then do the same.
BUTTONHOOKINGbuttonhooking v. Present participle of buttonhook.
BUTTONHOOK v. to make a kind of offensive play in American football.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 368 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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