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There are 14 words containing G, I, K, M, 2O and R

BOOKMARKINGbookmarking v. Present participle of bookmark.
BOOKMARK v. to place a bookmark.
GRIMLOOKEDGRIMLOOKED adj. (Shakespeare) having a grim or dismal aspect.
HOMEWORKINGhomeworking n. Working from home, especially when in electronic contact with a central office.
home␣working n. Alternative form of homeworking.
HOMEWORKING n. working from home.
KREMLINOLOGIESKREMLINOLOGY n. the study of the policies and practices of the former Soviet government.
KREMLINOLOGISTKremlinologist n. A person involved in Kremlinology.
KREMLINOLOGIST n. one who studies kremlinology.
KREMLINOLOGISTSKremlinologists n. Plural of Kremlinologist.
KREMLINOLOGIST n. one who studies kremlinology.
KREMLINOLOGYKremlinology n. (Politics) The study of the internal politics of the high members of the government of the USSR.
Kremlinology n. (By extension, politics) The study of the internal politics of any powerful and secretive organization.
KREMLINOLOGY n. the study of the policies and practices of the former Soviet government.
MOONRAKINGMOONRAKING n. the following of crazy fancies.
MOONRAKINGSMOONRAKING n. the following of crazy fancies.
MOTORBIKINGmotorbiking v. Present participle of motorbike.
MOTORBIKE v. to travel by motorbike, also MOTORBICYCLE, MOTORCYCLE.
OVERSMOKINGoversmoking v. Present participle of oversmoke.
OVERSMOKE v. to smoke excessively.
WORKINGWOMANworkingwoman n. A woman who works in exchange for payment, especially one who does manual labour.
WORKINGWOMAN n. a workwoman.
WORKINGWOMENworkingwomen n. Plural of workingwoman.
WORKINGWOMAN n. a workwoman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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