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There are 18 words containing G, I, J, N, R, S and T

JARGONIESTJARGONY adj. like jargon.
JARGONISATIONjargonisation n. Alternative form of jargonization.
JARGONISATION n. the process of jargonising, also JARGONIZATION.
JARGONISATIONSjargonisations n. Plural of jargonisation.
JARGONISATION n. the process of jargonising, also JARGONIZATION.
JARGONISTjargonist n. Someone who overuses jargon; one who uses cant or slang.
JARGONIST n. a person who uses jargon, also JARGONEER.
JARGONISTICjargonistic adj. Characterised by jargon.
JARGONISTIC adj. of or like jargon.
JARGONISTSjargonists n. Plural of jargonist.
JARGONIST n. a person who uses jargon, also JARGONEER.
JARGONIZATIONSjargonizations n. Plural of jargonization.
JARGONIZATION n. the process of jargonizing, also JARGONISATION.
MAJORETTINGSMAJORETTING n. the practice of performing as majorettes.
MISCONJECTURINGmisconjecturing v. Present participle of misconjecture.
MISCONJECTURE v. to make a wrong conjecture.
NIGHTJARSnightjars n. Plural of nightjar.
night-jars n. Plural of night-jar.
NIGHTJAR n. a nocturnal bird with a distinctive churring call.
OBJURGATIONSobjurgations n. Plural of objurgation.
OBJURGATION n. a rebuke, a scolding.
OVERADJUSTINGoveradjusting v. Present participle of overadjust.
PREADJUSTINGpreadjusting v. Present participle of preadjust.
PREADJUST v. to adjust in advance.
PROJECTINGSprojectings n. Plural of projecting.
PROJECTING n. the act of extending outwards.
READJUSTINGreadjusting v. Present participle of readjust.
READJUST v. to adjust again.
REJUSTIFYINGrejustifying v. Present participle of rejustify.
REJUSTIFY v. to justify again.
RESUBJECTINGresubjecting v. Present participle of resubject.
RESUBJECT v. to subject again.
STRAITJACKETINGstraitjacketing v. Present participle of straitjacket.
straitjacketing n. Constraints, restrictions.
STRAITJACKET v. to confine in or as if in a straitjacket.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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