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There are 20 words containing G, 3I, M, O and V

COGNITIVISMcognitivism n. (Philosophy) The view that ethical sentences express propositions and are therefore capable of being true or false.
cognitivism n. (Art) The view that a work of art is valuable if it contributes to knowledge.
cognitivism n. (Psychology) The view that mental function can be understood as the internal manipulation of symbols…
COGNITIVISMSCOGNITIVISM n. the metaethical thesis that moral judgments state facts and so are either true or false.
DISIMPROVINGdisimproving v. Present participle of disimprove.
DISIMPROVE v. to make worse.
GINGIVECTOMIESgingivectomies n. Plural of gingivectomy.
GINGIVECTOMY n. a surgical incision of the gums.
IMPOVERISHINGimpoverishing v. Present participle of impoverish.
IMPOVERISH v. to make poor, also EMPOVERISH.
IMPROVISATINGimprovisating v. Present participle of improvisate.
IMPROVISATE v. (obsolete) to improvise.
IMPROVISINGimprovising v. Present participle of improvise.
improvising n. Improvisation.
IMPROVISE v. to compose and recite, or perform, without preparation.
MICROGRAVITIESmicrogravities n. Plural of microgravity.
MICROGRAVITY n. a condition in space in which only minuscule forces are experienced.
MISCONCEIVINGmisconceiving v. Present participle of misconceive.
misconceiving adj. Having false ideas; misleading.
MISCONCEIVE v. to conceive wrongly.
MISIMPROVINGmisimproving v. Present participle of misimprove.
MISIMPROVE v. to make worse by would-be improvement.
NONCOGNITIVISMnoncognitivism n. (Philosophy) The metaethical view that ethical sentences do not express propositions and thus cannot be true or false.
NONCOGNITIVISM n. something that is not cognitivism.
NONCOGNITIVISMSnoncognitivisms n. Plural of noncognitivism.
NONCOGNITIVISM n. something that is not cognitivism.
OVERIMAGINATIVEoverimaginative adj. Excessively imaginative.
OVERIMAGINATIVE adj. excessively imaginative.
OVERSIMPLIFYINGoversimplifying v. Present participle of oversimplify.
OVERSIMPLIFY v. to simplify to such an extent as to bring about distortion, misunderstanding, or error.
PRIMOGENITIVEprimogenitive n. (Obsolete) primogeniture.
PRIMOGENITIVE n. (Shakespeare) primogeniture, also PRIMOGENITURE.
VERMILIONINGvermilioning v. Present participle of vermilion.
VERMILION v. to make vermilion.
VICTIMOLOGIESvictimologies n. Plural of victimology.
VICTIMOLOGY n. the study of victims.
VICTIMOLOGISTvictimologist n. One who studies victimology.
VICTIMOLOGIST n. one who studies victimology.
VICTIMOLOGISTSvictimologists n. Plural of victimologist.
VICTIMOLOGIST n. one who studies victimology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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