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There are 18 words containing G, 2H, 2I, M and S

CHIMICHANGASchimichangas n. Plural of chimichanga.
CHIMICHANGA n. (Spanish) a tortilla wrapped round a filling, as of meat, and deep fried.
HEIGHTISMheightism n. (Informal) A prejudiced attitude about human height that often results in discrimination, based on the…
HEIGHTISM n. discrimination on grounds of height.
HEIGHTISMSHEIGHTISM n. discrimination on grounds of height.
HELMINTHOLOGIESHELMINTHOLOGY n. the study of parasitic worms.
HELMINTHOLOGISThelminthologist n. One versed in helminthology.
HELMINTHOLOGIST n. a specialist in helminthology.
HEMSTITCHINGhemstitching v. Present participle of hemstitch.
HEMSTITCH v. to stitch using the hem of a garment.
HIGHBROWISMhighbrowism n. Highbrow attitudes and policies generally.
HIGHBROWISM n. the state of being a highbrow.
HIGHBROWISMShighbrowisms n. Plural of highbrowism.
HIGHBROWISM n. the state of being a highbrow.
MASHGICHIMmashgichim n. Plural of mashgiach.
MASHGIACH n. (Hebrew) a person who ensures adherence to kosher rules, also MASHGIAH.
MASHGIHIMMASHGIAH n. (Hebrew) a person who ensures adherence to kosher rules, also MASHGIACH.
MIDTHIGHSmidthighs n. Plural of midthigh.
MIDTHIGH n. a garment reaching to the middle of the thigh.
NIGHTMARISHnightmarish adj. Resembling a nightmare.
NIGHTMARISH adj. like a nightmare, also NIGHTMARY.
NIGHTMARISHLYnightmarishly adv. In a nightmarish manner.
NIGHTMARISH adv. like a nightmare, also NIGHTMARY.
NIGHTMARISHNESSnightmarishness n. The state or condition of being nightmarish.
NIGHTMARISH n. like a nightmare, also NIGHTMARY.
OPISTHOGNATHISMOPISTHOGNATHISM n. the state of being opisthognathous, having receding jaws.
RHYTHMISINGrhythmising v. Present participle of rhythmise.
RHYTHMISE v. to subject to rhythm, also RHYTHMIZE.
SEMIHIGHsemihigh adj. Moderately high.
SEMIHIGH adj. moderately high.
THIRTYSOMETHINGthirtysomething n. A tricenarian: a person in their thirties, a person aged between 30 and 39 years (inclusive).
thirtysomething adj. Between 30 and 39 years of age.
thirtysomething adj. Between 30 and 39 in number.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 295 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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