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There are 14 words containing 2G, N, R, T and 2U

COUNTERARGUINGcounterarguing v. Present participle of counterargue.
COUNTERARGUE v. to argue against.
FULGURATINGfulgurating v. Present participle of fulgurate.
FULGURATE v. to flash like lightning.
GUTTURALISINGgutturalising v. Present participle of gutturalise.
GUTTURALISE v. to make guttural, also GUTTURALIZE.
GUTTURALIZINGgutturalizing v. Present participle of gutturalize.
GUTTURALIZE v. to make guttural, also GUTTURALISE.
INAUGURATINGinaugurating v. Present participle of inaugurate.
INAUGURATE v. to invest with office.
JUGGERNAUTjuggernaut n. A literal or metaphorical force or object regarded as unstoppable, that will crush all in its path.
juggernaut n. (Britain, Ireland, sometimes derogatory) A large, cumbersome truck or lorry, especially an artic.
juggernaut n. An institution that incites destructive devotion or to which people are carelessly sacrificed.
JUGGERNAUTSjuggernauts n. Plural of juggernaut.
JUGGERNAUT n. (Sanskrit) a massive relentless force, person, institution, etc. that crushes everything in its path.
OUTARGUINGoutarguing v. Present participle of outargue.
out-arguing v. Present participle of out-argue.
out␣arguing v. Present participle of out argue.
OUTFIGURINGoutfiguring v. Present participle of outfigure.
OUTFIGURE v. to surpass in figuring.
OUTINTRIGUINGoutintriguing v. Present participle of outintrigue.
OUTINTRIGUE v. to surpass in intrigue.
UNDERBUDGETINGunderbudgeting v. Present participle of underbudget.
UNDERBUDGET v. to allow too low a budget.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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