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There are 19 words containing 2G, M, N, R and 2S

AGGRANDISEMENTSaggrandisements n. Plural of aggrandisement.
AGGRANDISEMENT n. the act of aggrandising, also AGGRANDIZEMENT.
DISGORGEMENTSdisgorgements n. Plural of disgorgement.
DISGORGEMENT n. the act of disgorging.
GAMMERSTANGSgammerstangs n. Plural of gammerstang.
GAMMERSTANG n. (dialect) a tall, awkward person, usually a woman.
GANGMASTERSgangmasters n. Plural of gangmaster.
GANGMASTER n. a person who recruits and manages temporary or migratory labourers, esp. for seasonal agricultural work.
GANGSTERDOMSgangsterdoms n. Plural of gangsterdom.
GANGSTERDOM n. the world of gangsters.
GANGSTERISMgangsterism n. The behavior of a gangster; organized crime.
GANGSTERISM n. the ethos of the gangster.
GANGSTERISMSgangsterisms n. Plural of gangsterism.
GANGSTERISM n. the ethos of the gangster.
GORMANDISINGSGORMANDISING n. indulging in food to excess.
GOSSIPMONGERgossipmonger n. A person who spreads gossip.
GOSSIPMONGER n. one who spreads gossip.
GOSSIPMONGERSgossipmongers n. Plural of gossipmonger.
GOSSIPMONGER n. one who spreads gossip.
GRANGERISMSGRANGERISM n. the practice of illustrating a particular book by engravings collected from other books.
GYROMAGNETISMSGYROMAGNETISM n. the magnetic properties of rotating electric charges.
MESHUGGENERSmeshuggeners n. Plural of meshuggener.
MESHUGGENER n. (Yiddish) a fool, a crazy person, also MESHUGGENAH, MESHUGGENEH.
MESSENGERINGmessengering v. Present participle of messenger.
MESSENGER v. to send by messenger.
MICROAGGRESSIONmicroaggression n. (Sociology, chiefly US) Any small-scale verbal or physical interaction between those of different races…
MICROAGGRESSION n. indirect or subtle actions or statements regarded as denigrating a minority group.
MISREGISTERINGmisregistering v. Present participle of misregister.
MISREGISTER v. to register wrongly.
STEGANOGRAMSsteganograms n. Plural of steganogram.
STEGANOGRAM n. a cryptogram, also STEGANOGRAPH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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