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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing G, I, N, O, 2R and U

ARMOURINGarmouring v. Present participle of armour.
armouring n. Armour or shielding.
ARMOUR v. to dress with defensive covering, also ARMOR.
BURROWINGburrowing v. Present participle of burrow.
burrowing n. The act or result of making a burrow.
BURROW v. to dig a hole or tunnel in the ground.
CURRIJONGcurrijong n. Alternative form of kurrajong.
CURRIJONG n. (Native Australian) an Australian evergreen, also CURRAJONG, CURREJONG, KURRAJONG.
FURROWINGfurrowing v. Present participle of furrow.
furrowing n. A furrowed pattern.
FURROW v. to make narrow depressions in.
OCCURRINGoccurring v. Present participle of occur.
occurring n. An instance of something occurring; an event or happening.
occurring adj. (In combination) That occurs in a specified manner.
PROCURINGprocuring v. Present participle of procure.
PROCURING n. the act of obtaining.
RECOURINGRECOURE v. (Spenser) to recover, also RECOWER.
REPOURINGrepouring v. Present participle of repour.
REPOUR v. to pour again.
REROUTINGrerouting v. Present participle of reroute.
rerouting n. The process by which something is rerouted; a diversion or redirection.
REROUTE v. to choose a different route.
RETOURINGRETOUR v. to confirm as heir.
RUMOURINGrumouring v. Present participle of rumour.
RUMOUR v. to spread by hearsay, also RUMOR.
TORTURINGtorturing n. An act of torture.
torturing v. Present participle of torture.
TORTURING adj. causing severe physical pain.
UPROARINGuproaring v. Present participle of uproar.
UPROAR v. (Shakespeare) to throw into uproar or confusion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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