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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing G, I, N, O, 2R and T

CORRIGENTcorrigent adj. Corrective.
corrigent n. (Medicine) Any substance added to a medicine to make it more palatable.
CORRIGENT n. a drug to reduce or counteract undesirable effects of others in a formula.
GARROTINGgarroting v. Present participle of garrot.
garroting n. Strangulation using a garrot.
GARROTE v. to execute by strangling, also GAROTE, GAROTTE, GARROTTE.
INTERGROWintergrow v. (Intransitive) To grow together; intertwine.
INTERGROW v. to grow into or among each other.
MORTARINGmortaring v. Present participle of mortar.
MORTAR v. to bind with a type of cement.
PARROTINGparroting v. Present participle of parrot.
parroting n. Mindless repetition of words or ideas.
PARROT v. to repeat without thought or understanding.
PORTERINGportering v. Present participle of porter.
PORTER v. to carry luggage.
PRORATINGprorating v. Present participle of prorate.
PRORATE v. to divide proportionately.
REPORTINGreporting n. (Economics, journalism) The creation of reports, as for a business or a journal.
reporting v. Present participle of report.
REPORTING adj. giving an account of.
REROUTINGrerouting v. Present participle of reroute.
rerouting n. The process by which something is rerouted; a diversion or redirection.
REROUTE v. to choose a different route.
RESORTINGresorting v. Present participle of resort.
re-sorting v. Present participle of re-sort.
RESORT v. to sort again or differently.
RESTORINGrestoring v. Present participle of restore.
RESTORE v. to bring back to the original condition.
RETORTINGretorting v. Present participle of retort.
RETORT v. to answer back.
RETOURINGRETOUR v. to confirm as heir.
ROSTERINGrostering v. Present participle of roster.
rostering n. The process of forming a roster.
ROSTERING n. the act of rostering.
TARROWINGTARROW v. (Scots) to hesitate, be unwilling.
TORTURINGtorturing n. An act of torture.
torturing v. Present participle of torture.
TORTURING adj. causing severe physical pain.
TREMORINGtremoring v. Present participle of tremor.
tremoring n. A tremor.
TREMOR v. to quiver, shake.
WORRITINGworriting v. Present participle of worrit.
worriting n. (Dialect) A worrying.
WORRIT v. to worry, also WHERRIT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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