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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing G, I, 2L, N, P and S

ILLAPSINGillapsing v. Present participle of illapse.
ILLAPSE v. to glide in.
LANGSPIELlangspiel n. (Music) A traditional Icelandic or Shetlandian drone zither.
LANGSPIEL n. (Norwegian) an old Shetland cithern, also LANGSPEL, LANGSPIL.
LANGSPILSLANGSPIL n. (Norwegian) an old Shetland cithern, also LANGSPEL, LANGSPIEL.
LISPINGLYlispingly adv. In a lisping manner.
LISPING adv. making a lisping sound.
SLOPINGLYslopingly adv. At a slope; slantwise; obliquely.
SLOPING adv. SLOPE, to slant or incline.
SPALLINGSspallings n. Plural of spalling.
SPALLING n. the breaking of stone or concrete from a surface, usually caused by water ingress through fine cracks.
SPELLINGSspellings n. Plural of spelling.
SPELLING n. a sequence of letters composing a word.
SPILLINGSspillings n. Plural of spilling.
SPILLING n. the amount spilt.
UPSELLINGupselling v. Present participle of upsell.
UPSELL v. to attempt to persuade a customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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