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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing G, 2I, P, R, S and T

GRIPPIESTgrippiest adj. Superlative form of grippy: most grippy.
GRIPPY adj. (Scots) inclined to avarice.
PIRATINGSPIRATING n. acting as a pirate.
PRIESTINGpriesting n. (Rare) The ordination of a priest.
priesting n. (Obsolete) The office of a priest.
priesting v. Present participle of priest.
PRINTINGSprintings n. Plural of printing.
PRINTING n. the art of the printer.
RESPITINGrespiting v. Present participle of respite.
RESPITE v. to relieve temporarily.
RIPOSTINGriposting v. Present participle of riposte.
RIPOSTE v. (French) to make a return thrust in fencing, also RIPOST.
SCRIPTINGscripting n. The act by which something is scripted.
scripting v. Present participle of script.
SCRIPT v. to prepare a written text for a play.
SPAGIRISTspagirist n. Alternative form of spagyrist.
SPAGIRIST n. an alchemist, also SPAGYRIST.
SPIRITINGspiriting v. Present participle of spirit.
spiriting n. (Literary) The action of a spirit or ghost.
spiriting n. Inspiration.
SPRIGTAILsprigtail n. (US, dialect) The pintail duck.
sprigtail n. (US, dialect) The sharp-tailed grouse.
SPRIGTAIL n. a species of duck.
SPRINTINGsprinting v. Present participle of sprint.
sprinting n. The act or action of the verb to sprint (to run, cycle, etc. at top speed for a short period).
SPRINTING n. the act of running at top speed.
SPRITZIGSSPRITZIG n. (German) a usually sparkling white wine.
SPRITZINGspritzing n. The amount applied by a spritz; a small amount of liquid, lightly applied; a sprinkling.
spritzing v. Present participle of spritz.
SPRITZ v. (German) to spray (liquid).
STRIPINGSstripings n. Plural of striping.
STRIPING n. stripes marked or painted on something.
STRIPLINGstripling n. (Archaic, also attributive, sometimes humorous) A young man in the state of adolescence, or just passing…
stripling n. (Horticulture) A seedling with most of the leaves stripped off.
Stripling prop.n. A surname.
STRIPPINGstripping v. Present participle of strip.
stripping n. The act of one who strips.
stripping n. (Chemistry, engineering) A physical separation process where one or more components are removed from…
TRAIPSINGtraipsing v. Present participle of traipse.
traipsing n. Laborious walking.
TRAIPSING n. the act of traipsing.
TRIPLINGStriplings n. Plural of tripling.
TRIPLING n. the act of tripling.
TRIPPINGStrippings n. Plural of tripping.
TRIPPING n. the act of one that trips.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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