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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing G, 3I, 2N and S

FINISHINGfinishing v. Present participle of finish.
finishing n. The act of completing something.
finishing n. (Soccer) Shooting ability.
ICONISINGiconising v. Present participle of iconise.
ICONISE v. to venerate, also ICONIZE.
IGNITIONSignitions n. Plural of ignition.
IGNITION n. the act of igniting.
INSIGNIASinsignias n. Plural of insignia.
INSIGNIA n. a sign of membership or honour.
INSISTINGinsisting v. Present participle of insist.
INSIST v. to maintain very firmly.
INSPIRINGinspiring adj. Providing inspiration; encouraging; stimulating.
inspiring v. Present participle of inspire.
inspiring n. Inspiration.
INVITINGSinvitings n. Plural of inviting.
INVITING n. the act of inviting.
IRONISINGironising v. Present participle of ironise.
IRONISE v. to satirize with irony, also IRONIZE.
LINGUINISlinguinis n. Plural of linguini.
LINGUINI n. (Italian) a kind of pasta made in narrow strips, also LINGUINE.
LINISHINGlinishing v. Present participle of linish.
LINISHING n. the act of giving a smooth surface to metal.
LIONISINGlionising v. Present participle of lionise.
LIONISE v. to treat as a celebrity, also LIONIZE.
MINISHINGminishing v. Present participle of minish.
MINISH v. (archaic) to diminish.
SIGNORINISIGNORINO n. (Italian) a young man, young gentleman.
SINNINGIAsinningia n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Sinningia.
Sinningia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Gesneriaceae – plants of the tropical Americas.
SINNINGIA n. one of a family of Brazilian plants that includes gloxinia.
UNITISINGunitising v. Present participle of unitise.
UNITISE v. to divide into units, also UNITIZE.
VISIONINGvisioning v. Present participle of vision.
visioning n. The act by which something is envisioned.
VISIONING n. the act of seeing visions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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