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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing G, H, I, O, R, S and T

FORESIGHTforesight n. The ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future.
foresight n. The front sight on a rifle or similar weapon.
foresight n. (Surveying) a bearing taken forwards towards a new object.
FROTHINGSfrothings n. Plural of frothing.
FROTHING n. the act of making a froth.
GHOSTLIERghostlier adj. Comparative form of ghostly: more ghostly.
GHOSTLY adj. relating to the soul; spiritual; as, a ghostly confessor.
GROWTHISTgrowthist n. A proponent of growthism.
GROWTHIST n. a person who is committed to growth, esp. economic.
HISTOGRAMhistogram n. (Statistics) A graphical display of numerical data in the form of upright bars, with the area of each…
histogram v. (Transitive) To represent (data) as a histogram.
HISTOGRAM n. a diagram consisting of a number of rectangles or lines drawn (usually upwards) from a base line, their heights representing frequencies of a series of values (or value-ranges) of a quantity.
HYGRISTORhygristor n. A humidity sensor that works by measuring electrical resistance.
HYGRISTOR n. an electronic component whose resistance varies with humidity.
INGROWTHSingrowths n. Plural of ingrowth.
INGROWTH n. a growth inward.
MISGROWTHmisgrowth n. An unnatural or abnormal growth.
MISGROWTH n. an unnatural or abnormal growth.
NORTHINGSnorthings n. Plural of northing.
NORTHING n. distance northward.
OVERSIGHToversight n. An omission; something that is left out, missed or forgotten.
oversight n. Supervision or management.
oversight n. Overview.
REGOLITHSregoliths n. Plural of regolith.
REGOLITH n. a layer of loose rock overlaying solid rock.
RIGHTEOUSrighteous adj. Free from sin or guilt.
righteous adj. Moral and virtuous, to the point of sanctimony.
righteous adj. Justified morally.
RIGHTMOSTrightmost adj. Furthest to the right.
RIGHTMOST adj. on the extreme right.
STRONGISHstrongish adj. Quite strong.
STRONGISH adj. somewhat strong.
THROWINGSthrowings n. Plural of throwing.
THROWING n. the act of throwing.
TORCHINGStorchings n. Plural of torching.
TORCHING n. the act of setting alight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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