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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing G, H, I, L, 2O and T

BOOKLIGHTbooklight n. A small clip-on light, usually battery-powered, used for reading books in the dark.
BOOKLIGHT n. a light that clips on to a book.
ETHOLOGICethologic adj. Ethological.
ETHOLOGIC adj. relating to ethology, the study of animals' behavior in their natural environments, also ETHOLOGICAL.
FOOTLIGHTfootlight n. A stage light located at the front edge of the stage that illuminates the actors from foot level up.
foot-light n. Dated spelling of footlight.
FOOTLIGHT n. one of a row of lights along the front of a theatre stage.
HISTOLOGYhistology n. (Biology) The study of the microscopic structure, chemical composition and function of the tissue or…
HISTOLOGY n. the study of the tissues of organisms, also HISTIOLOGY.
LIGHTWOODlightwood n. (North America) Any wood used to light a fire; kindlings; especially, very resinous pine wood.
lightwood n. Any of various trees with pale-coloured wood, especially the Australian tree Acacia melanoxylon.
Lightwood prop.n. A number of places in England…
LITHOLOGYlithology n. (Uncountable) The study of rocks, with particular emphasis on their description and classification.
lithology n. (Countable) The general composition of a rock or rock sequence.
LITHOLOGY n. the study of rocks.
MOONLIGHTmoonlight n. (Sometimes attributive) The light reflected from the Moon.
moonlight v. To work on the side (at a secondary job), often in the evening or during the night.
moonlight v. (By extension) To engage in an activity other than what one is known for.
POTHOLINGpotholing n. A form of caving involving the exploration of potholes.
POTHOLING n. the sport of exploring potholes.
THEOLOGICtheologic adj. Of or pertaining to theology.
THEOLOGIC adj. of or relating to theology, also THEOLOGICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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