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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 16 fifteen-letter words containing G, H, 2I, P and 2R

ARTERIOGRAPHIESarteriographies n. Plural of arteriography.
ARTERIOGRAPHY n. the radiographic visualization of an artery after injection of a radiopaque substance.
BIOSTRATIGRAPHYbiostratigraphy n. (Biology, geology) The study of the stratigraphic distribution of fossils.
BIOSTRATIGRAPHY n. the determination of age, etc., of sedimentary strata from fossils which they contain.
CERVICOGRAPHIESCERVICOGRAPHY n. the photographing of the neck of the womb to identify early signs of cancer.
CINEMICROGRAPHYcinemicrography n. Alternative form of cinephotomicrography.
CINEMICROGRAPHY n. cinematographic recording of changes under the microscope.
HERESIOGRAPHIESheresiographies n. Plural of heresiography.
HERESIOGRAPHY n. a study of or treatise on heresies.
HISTORIOGRAPHERhistoriographer n. A scholar who studies historiography.
HISTORIOGRAPHER n. one who practises historiography, the study of writing history.
HISTORIOGRAPHIChistoriographic adj. Relating to the writing of history.
historiographic adj. Relating to the study and practice of historical scholarship.
HISTORIOGRAPHIC adj. relating to historiography.
HYPERPOLARISINGhyperpolarising v. Present participle of hyperpolarise.
HYPERPOLARISE v. to increase the difference in electric potential across a cell membrane, also HYPERPOLARIZE.
HYPERPOLARIZINGhyperpolarizing v. Present participle of hyperpolarize.
HYPERPOLARIZE v. to produce an increase in potential difference across a biological membrane, also HYPERPOLARISE.
MARCONIGRAPHINGmarconigraphing v. Present participle of marconigraph.
MARCONIGRAPH v. to send a message by wireless telegraphy.
MICRORADIOGRAPHmicroradiograph n. An enlarged microradiogram, used to study microscopic detail.
microradiograph v. To produce such an image.
MICRORADIOGRAPH n. an X-ray produced by microradiography.
PROGENITORSHIPSprogenitorships n. Plural of progenitorship.
PROGENITORSHIP n. the state of being a progenitor.
PSYCHOGERIATRICpsychogeriatric adj. Relating to psychogeriatrics.
PSYCHOGERIATRIC adj. relating to the study of the psychological problems of old age.
STRATIGRAPHICALstratigraphical adj. Stratigraphic.
STRATIGRAPHICAL adj. relating to stratigraphy, the study of geological layers or strata, also STRATIGRAPHIC.
STRATIGRAPHISTSstratigraphists n. Plural of stratigraphist.
STRATIGRAPHIST n. a practitioner of stratigraphy, also STRATIGRAPHER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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