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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing G, L, M, 2N, R and S

BILDUNGSROMANSbildungsromans n. Plural of bildungsroman.
Bildungsromans n. Plural of Bildungsroman.
BILDUNGSROMAN n. (German) a psychological novel dealing with the early moral development of the protagonist.
DEMINERALISINGdemineralising v. Present participle of demineralise.
DEMINERALISE v. to remove the minerals from, also DEMINERALIZE.
DISEMBRANGLINGdisembrangling v. Present participle of disembrangle.
DISEMBRANGLE v. (obsolete) to free from dispute.
DISGRUNTLEMENTdisgruntlement n. The state of being disgruntled, usually displayed in a stereotypical form such as frowning and annoyance;…
DISGRUNTLEMENT n. the state of being disgruntled.
EMBRANGLEMENTSembranglements n. Plural of embranglement.
EMBRANGLEMENT n. the act of embrangling.
FELLMONGERINGSFELLMONGERING n. the removal of hair or wool from hides in preparation for leather-making.
INTERSEGMENTALintersegmental adj. Between segments.
INTERSEGMENTAL adj. between segments.
MALIMPRINTINGSMALIMPRINTING n. the process of becoming malimprinted.
MILLIROENTGENSmilliroentgens n. Plural of milliroentgen.
MILLIROENTGEN n. one thousandth of a roentgen.
MINERALOGISINGmineralogising v. Present participle of mineralogise.
MINERALOGISE v. to collect or study minerals, also MINERALOGIZE.
MISTRANSLATINGmistranslating v. Present participle of mistranslate.
MISTRANSLATE v. to translate wrongly.
MONGRELISATIONmongrelisation n. Alternative spelling of mongrelization.
MONGRELISATION n. the process of mongrelising, also MONGRELIZATION.
PARLIAMENTINGSPARLIAMENTING n. acting as a member of parliament; debating.
REMINERALISINGremineralising v. Present participle of remineralise.
REMINERALISE v. to replace the depleted mineral content of (bones, teeth, etc.), also REMINERALIZE.
SCANDALMONGERSscandalmongers n. Plural of scandalmonger.
SCANDALMONGER n. one who spreads scandal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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