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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing G, 3N, S and 2T

CONSTERNATINGconsternating v. Present participle of consternate.
CONSTERNATE v. to fill with consternation.
CONTIGNATIONScontignations n. Plural of contignation.
CONTIGNATION n. (archaic) joining together of timber.
DISCONTENTINGdiscontenting adj. (Obsolete) discontented.
discontenting adj. (Obsolete) Causing discontent; dissatisfying.
DISCONTENT v. to make discontented.
ENTANGLEMENTSentanglements n. Plural of entanglement.
ENTANGLEMENT n. the action of entangling.
ENTERTAININGSentertainings n. Plural of entertaining.
ENTERTAINING n. the act of entertaining.
INSTANTIATINGinstantiating v. Present participle of instantiate.
INSTANTIATE v. to represent (an abstraction) by a concrete instance.
INSTRUMENTINGinstrumenting v. Present participle of instrument.
INSTRUMENT v. to address a legal instrument to.
INTERTWININGSintertwinings n. Plural of intertwining.
INTERTWINING n. the act of intertwining.
INTRANSIGEANTintransigeant adj. Alternative form of intransigent.
INTRANSIGEANT adj. intransigent.
INTRANSIGEANT n. one who is intransigeant.
INTRANSIGENTSintransigents n. Plural of intransigent.
INTRANSIGENT n. an intransigent person.
MISCONTENTINGmiscontenting v. Present participle of miscontent.
MISCONTENT v. (archaic) to discontent.
ROTTENSTONINGrottenstoning v. Present participle of rottenstone.
ROTTENSTONE v. to polish with rottenstone.
STRENGTHENINGstrengthening v. Present participle of strengthen.
strengthening n. The process by which something is strengthened.
STRENGTHENING n. the act of making stronger.
STRINGENTNESSstringentness n. The state or quality of being stringent.
STRINGENTNESS n. the state of being stringent.
TRANSITIONINGtransitioning v. Present participle of transition.
transitioning n. An act of transition; a change of state.
TRANSITION v. to effect a change.
TRANSPLANTINGtransplanting v. Present participle of transplant.
transplanting n. Transplantation.
TRANSPLANTING n. the act of transplanting.
UNINTERESTINGuninteresting adj. Arousing little or no interest; boring or uneventful.
UNINTERESTING adj. not interesting.
UNWITTINGNESSunwittingness n. Quality of being unwitting.
UNWITTINGNESS n. the state of being unwitting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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