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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing G, H, I, R and 3S

FORESIGHTLESSforesightless adj. Lacking foresight.
FORESIGHTLESS adj. without foresight.
GIRLISHNESSESgirlishnesses n. Plural of girlishness.
GIRLISHNESS n. the state of being girlish.
GRAPHICNESSESGRAPHICNESS n. the state of being graphic, also GRAPHICALNESS.
GROUCHINESSESgrouchinesses n. Plural of grouchiness.
GROUCHINESS n. the state of being grouchy.
GROWTHINESSESGROWTHINESS n. the state of being growthy, very fast in growing.
HAIRDRESSINGShairdressings n. Plural of hairdressing.
HAIRDRESSING n. the act of washing, cutting, curling, or arranging the hair.
HORSESHOEINGSHORSESHOEING n. the act of shoeing a horse.
RIGHTEOUSNESSrighteousness n. (Uncountable) The quality or state of being righteous.
righteousness n. (Uncountable, theology) Holiness; conformity of life to the divine law.
righteousness n. (Countable) A righteous act, or righteous quality.
ROGUISHNESSESroguishnesses n. Plural of roguishness.
ROGUISHNESS n. the state of being roguish.
SCORCHINGNESSscorchingness n. The state or quality of being scorching; extreme heat.
SCORCHINGNESS n. the state of being scorching.
SEARCHINGNESSsearchingness n. The state or quality of being searching.
SEARCHINGNESS n. the state of being searching.
SEIGNIORSHIPSseigniorships n. Plural of seigniorship.
SEIGNIORSHIP n. the office of seignior.
SERGEANTSHIPSsergeantships n. Plural of sergeantship.
SERGEANTSHIP n. the office of sergeant.
SPRIGHTLINESSsprightliness n. The property of being sprightly.
SPRIGHTLINESS n. the state of being sprightly.
SURGEONFISHESsurgeonfishes n. Plural of surgeonfish.
SURGEONFISH n. a kind of tropical fish with razor-sharp spines on the tail.
SWITCHGRASSESswitchgrasses n. Plural of switchgrass.
switch␣grasses n. Plural of switch grass.
SWITCHGRASS n. a panic grass of the western US that is used for hay.
TIGRISHNESSESTIGRISHNESS n. the quality of being like a tiger.
UPRIGHTNESSESuprightnesses n. Plural of uprightness.
UPRIGHTNESS n. the state of being upright.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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