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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing 2G, 2N, O, S and T

AGGLUTINOGENSagglutinogens n. Plural of agglutinogen.
AGGLUTINOGEN n. a substance causing the production of agglutinin.
ANTHOLOGISINGanthologising v. Present participle of anthologise.
ANTHOLOGISE v. to make an anthology, also ANTHOLOGIZE.
CONCERTGOINGSCONCERTGOING n. the act of attending concerts.
CONGREGATIONScongregations n. Plural of congregation.
CONGREGATION n. an organized body of believers in a particular locality.
DOUGHNUTTINGSDOUGHNUTTING n. the act of surrounding a speaker to give the impression of a packed house.
ISOAGGLUTININisoagglutinin n. A hemagglutinin that causes clumping of the red blood cells of animals of the same species, though not…
ISOAGGLUTININ n. an antibody that causes the agglutination of red blood corpuscles in animals of the same species from which it was derived.
MOONLIGHTINGSmoonlightings n. Plural of moonlighting.
MOONLIGHTING n. taking a second job.
NITROGENISINGnitrogenising v. Present participle of nitrogenise.
NITROGENISE v. to combine or supply with nitrogen, also NITROGENIZE.
NONSEGREGATEDnonsegregated adj. Not segregated.
NONSEGREGATED adj. not segregated.
OUTORGANISINGOUTORGANISE v. to surpass at organisation, also OUTORGANIZE.
ROENTGENISINGroentgenising v. Present participle of roentgenise.
ROENTGENISE v. to bombard with X-rays, also ROENTGENIZE.
RONTGENOGRAMSröntgenograms n. Plural of röntgenogram.
RONTGENOGRAM n. a photograph made with rontgen rays, also ROENTGENOGRAM.
SHORTCHANGINGshortchanging v. Present participle of shortchange.
short-changing v. Present participle of short-change.
short␣changing v. Present participle of short change.
SINGLEFOOTINGsinglefooting v. Present participle of singlefoot.
STENOGRAPHINGstenographing v. Present participle of stenograph.
STENOGRAPH v. to write or report in stenographic characters.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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