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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2G, 2N, 2O and R

AGGIORNAMENTOaggiornamento n. A bringing up to date, especially of the Roman Catholic Church by the Second Vatican Council of 1962-65;…
AGGIORNAMENTO n. (Italian) the modernization of ideas of the Catholic church.
BOURGUIGNONNEBOURGUIGNONNE n. (French) a meat dish stewed with onions, mushrooms and Burgundy wine, also BOURGUIGNON.
CONCERTGOINGSCONCERTGOING n. the act of attending concerts.
CONGREGATIONScongregations n. Plural of congregation.
CONGREGATION n. an organized body of believers in a particular locality.
FOREGROUNDINGforegrounding v. Present participle of foreground.
FOREGROUND v. to bring to the foreground, the part of a picture or field of view nearest the observer's eye.
HORNSWOGGLINGhornswoggling v. Present participle of hornswoggle.
HORNSWOGGLE v. (slang) to cheat or trick; bamboozle.
NONAGGRESSIONnonaggression n. An absence of aggression.
NONAGGRESSION n. lack of aggression.
NONGREGARIOUSnongregarious adj. (Zoology) Not gregarious; solitary. Compare ungregarious.
NONGREGARIOUS adj. not gregarious.
OPPIGNORATINGoppignorating v. Present participle of oppignorate.
OPPIGNORATE v. (obsolete) to pawn, also OPPIGNERATE.
ORGANOGENESESorganogeneses n. Plural of organogenesis.
ORGANOGENESIS n. the origin or development of living organs.
ORGANOGENESISorganogenesis n. (Biology) the formation and development of the organs of an organism from embryonic cells.
ORGANOGENESIS n. the origin or development of living organs.
ORGANOGENETICorganogenetic adj. Relating to organogenesis.
ORGANOGENETIC adj. relating to organogenesis.
OUTORGANISINGOUTORGANISE v. to surpass at organisation, also OUTORGANIZE.
OUTORGANIZINGoutorganizing v. Present participle of outorganize.
OUTORGANIZE v. to surpass in organization, also OUTORGANISE.
OVERGOVERNINGovergoverning v. Present participle of overgovern.
OVERGOVERN v. to govern to excess.
PRECOGNOSCINGprecognoscing v. Present participle of precognosce.
PRECOGNOSCE v. to take a precognition of.
ROENTGENOGRAMroentgenogram n. An X-ray image.
ROENTGENOLOGYroentgenology n. (Medicine, archaic) Radiography.
RONTGENOGRAMSröntgenograms n. Plural of röntgenogram.
RONTGENOGRAM n. a photograph made with rontgen rays, also ROENTGENOGRAM.
RONTGENOGRAPHRONTGENOGRAPH n. an apparatus for taking X-ray photographs, also ROENTGENOGRAPH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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