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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing G, P, 2R, 2S and T

GASTROSOPHERgastrosopher n. One who enjoys and appreciates good food.
GASTROSOPHER n. a person skilled in matters of eating, also GASTROSOPH.
PRAGMATISERSpragmatisers n. Plural of pragmatiser.
PRAGMATISER n. one who pragmatises, also PRAGMATIZER.
PREREGISTERSpreregisters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preregister.
PREREGISTER v. to register in advance.
PRESTRESSINGprestressing v. Present participle of prestress.
PRESTRESS v. to stress in advance.
PROGENITRESSprogenitress n. A female progenitor.
PROGENITRESS n. a female parent or ancestor, also PROGENITRIX.
PROGRESSISTSprogressists n. Plural of progressist.
PROGRESSIST n. one who believes in progressism.
SPECTROGRAMSspectrograms n. Plural of spectrogram.
SPECTROGRAM n. a photograph, image, or diagram of a spectrum.
SPRINGWATERSspringwaters n. Plural of springwater.
spring-waters n. Plural of spring-water.
spring␣waters n. Plural of spring water.
STEREOGRAPHSstereographs n. Plural of stereograph.
STEREOGRAPH n. a picture used in stereoscope.
STRAPHANGERSstraphangers n. Plural of straphanger.
STRAPHANGER n. a standing passenger in a train, bus, etc. who holds on to a strap for safety.
STRIPPAGRAMSstrippagrams n. Plural of strippagram.
STRIPPAGRAM n. a greetings message delivered by a stripper who does a striptease on delivery, also STRIPAGRAM, STRIPOGRAM, STRIPPERGRAM.
SUPERGROWTHSsupergrowths n. Plural of supergrowth.
SUPERGROWTH n. exceptional growth.
SUPERSTRINGSsuperstrings n. Plural of superstring.
SUPERSTRING n. a hypothetical very small one-dimensional particle from which other fundamental particles arise.
TORSIOGRAPHStorsiographs n. Plural of torsiograph.
TORSIOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording torsional vibrations on an object.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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