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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing G, L, O, R, S and 2U

COURAGEOUSLYcourageously adv. In a courageous manner; bravely; boldly.
COURAGEOUS adv. having or characterized by courage.
DRUNKALOGUESdrunkalogues n. Plural of drunkalogue.
DRUNKALOGUE n. an account of a person's problems with alcohol.
FULGURATIONSfulgurations n. Plural of fulguration.
FULGURATION n. the act of flashing like lightning.
FUTUROLOGIESfuturologies n. Plural of futurology.
FUTUROLOGY n. the study of the future.
FUTUROLOGISTfuturologist n. A person who practices futurology.
FUTUROLOGIST n. a student of futurology.
GLUCURONIDESglucuronides n. Plural of glucuronide.
GLUCURONIDE n. any of various derivatives of glucuronic acid.
GRATUITOUSLYgratuitously adv. Freely; in the manner of a gift, without being earned.
gratuitously adv. In a manner not demanded by the circumstances, without reason, justification, cause, or proof.
GRATUITOUS adv. done freely; needless.
GROUPUSCULESgroupuscules n. Plural of groupuscule.
GROUPUSCULE n. a small clique or faction.
LANGUOROUSLYlanguorously adv. In a languorous manner, without exertion, lazily.
LANGUOROUS adv. producing or tending to produce languor.
LUGUBRIOUSLYlugubriously adv. In a lugubrious manner.
LUGUBRIOUS adv. mournful, dismal, esp. in an exaggerated or affected manner.
MEGALOSAURUSMegalosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Megalosauridae – a theropod dinosaur from the Jurassic of England.
OUTLUSTERINGoutlustering v. Present participle of outluster.
OUTLUSTER v. to exceed in luster, also OUTLUSTRE.
OUTRAGEOUSLYoutrageously adv. In an outrageous manner; to an outrageous degree.
OUTRAGEOUS adv. exceeding the limits of what is usual.
SLAUGHTEROUSslaughterous adj. Prone to slaughtering.
SLAUGHTEROUS adj. of or relating to slaughter.
UMBRAGEOUSLYumbrageously adv. In an umbrageous manner.
UMBRAGEOUS adv. shady.
UNGENEROUSLYungenerously adv. In an ungenerous manner.
UNGENEROUS adv. not generous.
UNGRACIOUSLYungraciously adv. In an ungracious manner.
UNGRACIOUS adv. not courteous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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