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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing G, L, O, R, 2S and U

GLABROUSNESSglabrousness n. The quality of being glabrous.
GLABROUSNESS n. the state of being glabrous.
GLOBULARNESSglobularness n. The quality of being globular.
GLOBULARNESS n. the state of being globular.
GLORIOUSNESSgloriousness n. Glory, the state or quality of being glorious.
GLORIOUSNESS n. the state of being glorious.
GROSSULARITEgrossularite n. (Mineralogy) Synonym of grossular.
GROSSULARITE n. a garnet containing calcium and aluminium, occurring in grey, pinkish, or yellow-green crystals and used as a gemstone, also GROSSULAR.
GROUNDLESSLYgroundlessly adv. In a groundless manner; without justification.
GROUNDLESS adv. having no ground or foundation.
GROUNDSWELLSgroundswells n. Plural of groundswell.
ground␣swells n. Plural of ground swell.
GROUNDSWELL n. a broad, deep undulation of the ocean caused by a distant gale or earthquake.
GROUPUSCULESgroupuscules n. Plural of groupuscule.
GROUPUSCULE n. a small clique or faction.
MEGALOSAURUSMegalosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Megalosauridae – a theropod dinosaur from the Jurassic of England.
NEUROLOGISTSneurologists n. Plural of neurologist.
NEUROLOGIST n. one specializing in neurology.
PLOUGHSHARESploughshares n. Plural of ploughshare.
PLOUGHSHARE n. the cutting blade of a plough, also PLOWSHARE.
POSTSURGICALpostsurgical adj. Relating to the period following surgery.
POSTSURGICAL adj. taking place after surgery.
SACRILEGIOUSsacrilegious adj. Committing sacrilege; acting or speaking very disrespectfully toward what is held to be sacred.
SACRILEGIOUS adj. grossly irreverent toward a hallowed person, place, or thing.
SHOULDERINGSshoulderings n. Plural of shouldering.
SHOULDERING n. the act of carrying on the shoulder.
SLAUGHTEROUSslaughterous adj. Prone to slaughtering.
SLAUGHTEROUS adj. of or relating to slaughter.
SMOULDERINGSsmoulderings n. Plural of smouldering.
SMOULDERING n. a slow burning.
WRONGFULNESSwrongfulness n. The state or quality of being wrongful.
WRONGFULNESS n. the state of being wrongful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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