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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing G, L, O, P, R, S and U

BREASTPLOUGHbreastplough n. A kind of plough, worked by handles near the worker’s breast, and in some types by pushing with the…
BREASTPLOUGH n. a kind of spade for cutting turf, with a crossbar against which the breast is pressed.
GROUPUSCULESgroupuscules n. Plural of groupuscule.
GROUPUSCULE n. a small clique or faction.
HYGROPHILOUShygrophilous adj. (Botany, of a plant) adapted for growth in a damp or wet environment.
HYGROPHILOUS adj. living in water or moist places, also HYGROPHIL.
LAGOMORPHOUSlagomorphous adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the lagomorphs.
LAGOMORPHOUS adj. of or like a lagomorph, a gnawing mammal, also LAGOMORPHIC.
LIGNIPERDOUSligniperdous adj. (Zoology) Wood-destroying; said of certain insects and fungi.
LIGNIPERDOUS adj. destroying wood.
OUTSPARKLINGoutsparkling v. Present participle of outsparkle.
OUTSPARKLE v. to exceed in sparkling.
PELARGONIUMSpelargoniums n. Plural of pelargonium.
PELARGONIUM n. a kind of geranium.
PLOUGHSHARESploughshares n. Plural of ploughshare.
PLOUGHSHARE n. the cutting blade of a plough, also PLOWSHARE.
POPULARISINGpopularising v. Present participle of popularise.
POPULARISE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARIZE.
POSTSURGICALpostsurgical adj. Relating to the period following surgery.
POSTSURGICAL adj. taking place after surgery.
PRODIGIOUSLYprodigiously adv. In a prodigious manner; astonishingly, enormously, impressively, or wonderfully.
PRODIGIOUS adv. resembling or befitting a prodigy.
PROLOGUISINGprologuising v. Present participle of prologuise.
PROMULGATORSpromulgators n. Plural of promulgator.
PROMULGATOR n. one who promulgates.
PYROLIGNEOUSpyroligneous adj. Produced from wood by the action of heat, especially by destructive distillation.
PYROLIGNEOUS adj. produced by the action of heat on wood, also PYROLIGNIC, PYROXYLIC.
RAMPAGEOUSLYrampageously adv. In a rampageous manner.
RAMPAGEOUS adv. turbulent; unruly, also RAMPACIOUS.
SPORANGIOLUMsporangiolum n. (Mycology) a small sporangium.
SPORANGIOLUM n. a sporangium containing one or few spores, also SPORANGIOLE.
SUPERCOILINGsupercoiling n. (Genetics) The coiling of the DNA helix upon itself; can cause disruption to transcription and lead to cell death.
SUPERCOIL v. to create such a coil.
SUPERCOOLINGsupercooling v. Present participle of supercool.
supercooling n. The process by which a material is supercooled.
SUPERCOOL v. to cool a liquid below its normal freezing point.
SUPRAGLOTTALsupraglottal adj. (Anatomy) Above the glottis.
SUPRAGLOTTAL adj. above the glottis.
UPHOLSTERINGupholstering n. (Uncountable) The padding, springs, webbing, and covers found on furniture.
upholstering n. (Countable) The application of upholstery to furniture.
upholstering v. Present participle of upholster.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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