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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing G, L, 2N, 2O and T

BUTTONHOLINGbuttonholing v. Present participle of buttonhole.
buttonholing n. The act of detaining someone in conversation against his or her will.
BUTTONHOLE v. to detain in talk, also BUTTONHOLD.
CONGELATIONScongelations n. Plural of congelation.
CONGELATION n. the act of freezing something into a solid state.
CONGLOBATINGconglobating v. Present participle of conglobate.
CONGLOBATE v. to gather in a globe.
CONGLOBATIONconglobation n. Formation into a ball, globe or rounded mass.
CONGLOBATION n. the act of conglobating.
COUNTROLLINGcountrolling v. Present participle of countrol.
COUNTROL v. to control.
HALOGENATIONhalogenation n. (Chemistry) The reaction of a halogen with something, especially the replacement of a hydrogen atom…
HALOGENATION n. the act of halogenating.
INTERCOOLINGintercooling v. Present participle of intercool.
intercooling n. The action of an intercooler.
INTERCOOL v. to cool by means of an intercooler, a heat exchanger in a turbocharger.
INTERLOOPINGINTERLOOP v. to loop together.
MONOLINGUISTmonolinguist n. (Linguistics) One who speaks only a single language.
MONOLINGUIST n. a monoglot.
MOONLIGHTINGmoonlighting v. Present participle of moonlight.
moonlighting n. A period of working on the side (at a secondary job), often in the evening or during the night.
MOONLIGHTING n. taking a second job.
NONBIOLOGISTnonbiologist n. One who is not a biologist.
NONBIOLOGIST n. one who is not a biologist.
NONPOLLUTINGnonpolluting adj. Not polluting; environmentally friendly.
NONPOLLUTING adj. not causing pollution.
NOTOUNGULATEnotoungulate n. (Paleontology) Any of several extinct, hoofed, herbivorous mammals of the order Notoungulata, from Cenozoic…
notoungulate adj. Characteristic of these animals.
NOTOUNGULATE n. any one of an extinct group of herbivorous, hoofed mammals common in South America between the Palaeocene and Pleistocene eras, also NOTUNGULATE.
PROLONGATINGprolongating v. Present participle of prolongate.
PROLONGATE v. to prolong.
PROLONGATIONprolongation n. The act of prolonging.
prolongation n. That which has been prolonged; an extension.
PROLONGATION n. the act of prolonging.
PROLONGMENTSprolongments n. Plural of prolongment.
PROLONGMENT n. the act of prolonging.
RONTGENOLOGYröntgenology n. Dated form of roentgenology.
RONTGENOLOGY n. the science of X-rays, also ROENTGENOLOGY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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