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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing G, L, M, N, 2S and U

CYNOMOLGUSEScynomolguses n. Plural of cynomolgus.
CYNOMOLGUS n. a type of macaque.
FUMBLINGNESSfumblingness n. A tendency to fumble.
FUMBLINGNESS n. the state of being fumbling.
GLUCOSAMINESglucosamines n. Plural of glucosamine.
GLUCOSAMINE n. an amino derivative of glucose that occurs esp. as a constituent of various polysaccharides that are components of structural substances, such as chitin and cartilage.
GLUTAMINASESglutaminases n. Plural of glutaminase.
GLUTAMINASE n. an enzyme that hydrolyzes glutamine to glutamic acid and ammonia.
MANGALSUTRASmangalsutras n. Plural of mangalsutra.
MANGALSUTRA n. a bead necklace worn by a married Hindu woman whose husband is living.
MONOLOGUISESmonologuises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monologuise.
MONOLOGUISTSmonologuists n. Plural of monologuist.
MONOLOGUIST n. one who gives monologues, also MONOLOGIST.
MUDSLINGINGSmudslingings n. Plural of mudslinging.
MUDSLINGING n. vilification of character.
MUSICALISINGmusicalising v. Present participle of musicalise.
MUSICALISE v. to make musical, also MUSICALIZE.
MUSKELLUNGESmuskellunges n. Plural of muskellunge.
MUSKELLUNGE n. a North American freshwater fish of the pike family, also MASKALLONGE, MASKALONGE, MASKANONGE, MASKINONGE, MUSKIE.
QUISLINGISMSQuislingisms n. Plural of Quislingism.
QUISLINGISM n. being a quisling.
SALMAGUNDIESsalmagundies n. Plural of salmagundy.
SALMAGUNDY n. (French) a dish of chopped meat, eggs, anchovies, onions etc., also SALMAGUNDI.
SIMULCASTINGsimulcasting v. Present participle of simulcast.
SIMULCAST v. to broadcast simultaneously on radio and television.
SINGULARISMSSINGULARISM n. a philosophy that recognizes one principle only, as opposed to pluralism.
SLUMGULLIONSslumgullions n. Plural of slumgullion.
SLUMGULLION n. (Irish) a watery meat stew.
SMOULDERINGSsmoulderings n. Plural of smouldering.
SMOULDERING n. a slow burning.
UNASSUMINGLYunassumingly adv. In an unassuming manner.
UNASSUMING adv. not assuming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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