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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing G, I, M, 2O and 2R

AGROTOURISMSAGROTOURISM n. the business of providing holidays in an agricultural setting, also AGRITOURISM.
HYDROFORMINGhydroforming n. (Engineering) A cost-effective way of shaping malleable metals into lightweight, stiff pieces by means…
hydroforming n. (Organic chemistry) The reaction of petroleum with hydrogen.
HYDROFORMING n. the catalytic reforming of petroleum to increase the proportion of aromatic and branched-chain hydrocarbons.
MARTYROLOGICmartyrologic adj. Of, or pertaining to, a martyrology.
MARTYROLOGIC adj. relating to martyrology, also MARTYROLOGICAL.
MICROBLOGGERmicroblogger n. A person who writes a microblog.
MICROBLOGGER n. one who keeps a microblog.
MICROGROOVESmicrogrooves n. Plural of microgroove.
MICROGROOVE n. the fine groove of long-playing gramophone records.
MICROPROGRAMmicroprogram n. (Computing) a set of microinstructions in a CPU, used to implement machine instructions.
microprogram v. (Computing) to manually write a microprogram.
MICROPROGRAM n. a routine composed of microinstructions used in microprogramming.
MICROSURGEONmicrosurgeon n. (Surgery) A surgeon who specializes in microsurgery.
MICROSURGEON n. a surgeon who specialises in microsurgery.
MISGOVERNORSmisgovernors n. Plural of misgovernor.
MISGOVERNOR n. one who misgoverns.
MORIGERATIONmorigeration n. (Obsolete) obsequiousness; obedience.
MORIGERATION n. deferential behaviour.
NONMIGRATORYnonmigratory adj. Not migratory; that does not migrate.
non-migratory adj. Alternative form of nonmigratory.
NONMIGRATORY adj. not migratory.
PRIMOGENITORprimogenitor n. An initial ancestor.
PRIMOGENITOR n. the earliest ancestor; an ancestor or a forefather.
RECOMFORTINGrecomforting v. Present participle of recomfort.
RECOMFORT v. (archaic) to comfort, console.
RISORGIMENTORisorgimento prop.n. (Historical) The political and military movement that led to the unification of Italy in the 19th century.
Risorgimento prop.n. Renewal, revival, renaissance.
RISORGIMENTO n. (Italian) a time of renewal or renaissance; specifically, the 19th century movement for Italian political unity.
TRIGONOMETERtrigonometer n. An instrument for solving plane right-angled figures by inspection.
TRIGONOMETER n. instrument for solving triangles.
TRIGONOMETRYtrigonometry n. (Geometry, mathematical analysis) The branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between…
TRIGONOMETRY n. the study of the properties of triangles and trigonometric functions and of their applications.
TRIMETROGONStrimetrogons n. Plural of trimetrogon.
TRIMETROGON n. a technique of aerial photography using three cameras, which increases the range and detail of the coverage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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