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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing G, 3I, O, T and V

COGNITIVISMSCOGNITIVISM n. the metaethical thesis that moral judgments state facts and so are either true or false.
INCOGITATIVEincogitative adj. Not cogitative; lacking the power of thought.
INCOGITATIVE adj. unthinking, thoughtless.
INVAGINATIONinvagination n. (Medicine) The process where an anatomical part invaginates upon itself or into another structure.
invagination n. One of the methods by which the various germinal layers of the ovum are differentiated.
INVAGINATION n. the act of invaginating.
INVIGILATIONinvigilation n. The act of watching or invigilating.
INVIGILATION n. the act of invigilating.
INVIGILATORSinvigilators n. Plural of invigilator.
INVIGILATOR n. one who invigilates.
INVIGORATINGinvigorating v. Present participle of invigorate.
invigorating adj. Giving strength, energy and vitality.
INVIGORATE v. to give life and energy to.
INVIGORATIONinvigoration n. The act of invigorating or the state of being invigorated.
INVIGORATION n. the act of invigorating.
INVIGORATIVEinvigorative adj. Serving to invigorate.
INVIGORATIVE adj. serving to invigorate.
VIGINTILLIONvigintillion num. Originally, in accordance with the long scale, the twentieth power of a million, 10120; now (originally…
VIGINTILLION n. ten to the power of 63.
VITRIOLATINGvitriolating v. Present participle of vitriolate.
VITRIOLATE v. to convert into, or change to, a vitriol.
VITRIOLISINGvitriolising v. Present participle of vitriolise.
VITRIOLISE v. to treat with vitriol, also VITRIOLIZE.
VITRIOLIZINGvitriolizing v. Present participle of vitriolize.
VITRIOLIZE v. to treat with vitriol, also VITRIOLISE.
VOLATILISINGvolatilising v. Present participle of volatilise.
VOLATILISE v. to make volatile, also VOLATILIZE.
VOLATILIZINGvolatilizing v. Present participle of volatilize.
VOLATILIZE v. to make volatile, also VOLATILISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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