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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing G, H, 2O, 2P and T

COPROPHAGISTcoprophagist n. Synonym of coprophage.
COPROPHAGIST n. an eater of dung.
EPIPHYTOLOGYepiphytology n. Study of epiphytes and their ecology.
EPIPHYTOLOGY n. the study of epiphytes.
HIPPOLOGISTShippologists n. Plural of hippologist.
HIPPOLOGIST n. a student of horses.
OPISTHOGRAPHopisthograph n. (Historical) Any early document (such as a roll of papyrus) that has writing on the back as well as the front.
opisthograph n. (Historical) Any early book that has letterpress printing on both sides of the page.
OPISTHOGRAPH n. a manuscript or slab inscribed on both back and front.
PANTOPHAGOUSpantophagous adj. Eating all kinds of food.
PANTOPHAGOUS adj. eating or requiring a variety of foods.
PHOTOCOPYINGphotocopying v. Present participle of photocopy.
photocopying n. The process by which photocopies are made.
PHOTOCOPYING n. the act of making a photocopy.
PHOTOGLYPHICphotoglyphic adj. Relating to the art of engraving by the action of light.
PHOTOGLYPHIC adj. of or like a photoglyph, photographic engraving.
PHOTOGRAPHEDphotographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of photograph.
PHOTOGRAPH v. to take a photograph of.
PHOTOGRAPHERphotographer n. One who takes photographs, typically as an occupation.
PHOTOGRAPHER n. one who practices photography.
PHOTOGRAPHICphotographic adj. Pertaining to photographs or photography.
photographic adj. (Figurative) Synonym of accurate.
PHOTOGRAPHIC adj. relating to photography, also PHOTOGRAPHICAL.
PHOTOMAPPINGphotomapping v. Present participle of photomap.
PHOTOMAP v. to map by means of aerial photography.
PHYTOPHAGOUSphytophagous adj. (Zoology) Feeding on plants, herbivorous.
PHYTOPHAGOUS adj. feeding on plants, also PHYTOPHAGIC.
PSEPHOLOGISTpsephologist n. An expert in psephology.
PSEPHOLOGIST n. one who studies election results and trends.
REPHOTOGRAPHrephotograph v. To photograph again.
REPHOTOGRAPH v. to photograph again.
SHOWSTOPPINGshowstopping adj. Characteristic of a showstopper; breathtaking.
showstopping adj. (Software engineering, of bugs) Critical; major.
show-stopping adj. Alternative form of showstopping.
TOPOGRAPHERStopographers n. Plural of topographer.
TOPOGRAPHER n. a specialist in topography.
TOPOGRAPHIEStopographies n. Plural of topography.
TOPOGRAPHY n. the detailed study, description or features of a limited area, district, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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