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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing G, H, I, 3N and S

CHANNELISINGchannelising v. Present participle of channelise.
CHANNELISE v. to create or provide a channel for, also CHANNELIZE.
CINCHONISINGcinchonising v. Present participle of cinchonise.
CINCHONISE v. to treat with cinchona or quinine, also CINCHONIZE.
ENTHRONISINGenthronising v. Present participle of enthronise.
ENTHRONISE v. to enthrone e.g. a bishop, also ENTHRONIZE.
MOONSHININGSMOONSHINING n. the making of illicitly distilled whisky.
NONTHINKINGSNONTHINKING n. an act of not thinking or choosing not to think, an absence of thought.
NONVANISHINGnonvanishing adj. (Mathematics) Of an expression, especially a function, being nonzero at a value, everywhere on a specified…
NONVANISHING adj. not zero or becoming zero.
STANCHIONINGstanchioning v. Present participle of stanchion.
STANCHION v. to support by a stanchion, also STANCHEL, STANCHER.
STRYCHNININGSTRYCHNINE v. to poison with strychnine, a very poisonous alkaloid obtained from the seeds of the nux vomica plant.
THINKINGNESSthinkingness n. The quality of having thoughts; faculty of thinking.
THINKINGNESS n. the state of being thinking.
UNFINISHINGSUNFINISHING n. (Milton) the leaving unfinished.
UNFURNISHINGunfurnishing v. Present participle of unfurnish.
UNFURNISH v. to strip of furniture or provisions.
UNHAPPENINGSunhappenings n. Plural of unhappening.
UNHAPPENING n. something that is not a happening.
UNHARNESSINGunharnessing v. Present participle of unharness.
UNHARNESS v. to release from a harness.
UNHINGEMENTSunhingements n. Plural of unhingement.
UNHINGEMENT n. the state of being unhinged.
UNHUMANISINGunhumanising v. Present participle of unhumanise.
UNHUMANISE v. to render inhuman or barbarous, also UNHUMANIZE.
UNNOURISHINGunnourishing adj. Not nourishing.
UNNOURISHING adj. not nourishing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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