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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing G, N, 2O, S, T and Y

BONYTONGUESbonytongues n. Plural of bonytongue.
COSIGNATORYcosignatory adj. Signed or signing jointly.
cosignatory n. Any of several people who sign a document together (especially a treaty).
COSIGNATORY n. a joint signer, also CONSIGNATORY.
CYSTOGENOUSCYSTOGENOUS adj. forming or secreting cysts.
EXOCYTOSINGexocytosing v. Present participle of exocytose.
EXOCYTOSE v. to secrete a substance from within a cell.
GLYPTODONTSglyptodonts n. Plural of glyptodont.
GLYPTODONT n. any of a family of extinct South American edentates.
HOLYSTONINGholystoning v. Present participle of holystone.
HOLYSTONE v. to scrape a deck with holystone.
HYMNOLOGISThymnologist n. A composer or compiler of hymns; one versed in hymnology.
HYMNOLOGIST n. a student of hymnology.
HYPNOLOGISThypnologist n. One who is versed in hypnology.
HYPNOLOGIST n. one who studies sleep.
INSECTOLOGYinsectology n. The scientific study of insects.
INSECTOLOGY n. the study of insects.
MONOGYNISTSMONOGYNIST n. one who practises monogyny, having only one wife at a time.
OBSIGNATORYobsignatory adj. (Obsolete) Ratifying; confirming by sealing.
OBSIGNATORY adj. relating to obsignation.
OXYGENATORSoxygenators n. Plural of oxygenator.
OXYGENATOR n. an oxidizer.
PHOTOLYSINGphotolysing v. Present participle of photolyse.
PHOTOLYSE v. to cause photolysis in, also PHOTOLYZE.
PROTOGYNIESPROTOGYNY n. the development of female organs before male to avoid self-fertilization.
PROTOGYNOUSprotogynous adj. (Biology) Exhibiting protogyny.
protogynous adj. (Botany) Whose female parts (stigma) becomes mature before the male ones (anthers).
protogynous adj. (Botany) Whose female parts (archegonia) mature before the male parts (antheridia) release their spermatozoids.
PYROGNOSTICpyrognostic adj. (Dated) of, relating to, or revealed by pyrognostics.
PYROGNOSTIC adj. relating to the testing of minerals by flame.
SOOTHSAYINGsoothsaying n. A method of foretelling the future.
SOOTHSAYING n. the act of divining.
STRONGYLOIDstrongyloid adj. (Zoology) Like, or relating to, Strongylus, a genus of parasitic nematode worms.
strongyloid n. (Zoology) Any worm of the genus Strongylus.
STRONGYLOID n. a strongyl, a parasitic threadworm.
SYRINGOTOMYsyringotomy n. (Surgery) The operation of cutting for anal fistula.
SYRINGOTOMY n. cutting of a fistula.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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