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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing G, L, N, O, P, R and Y

APPROVINGLYapprovingly adv. In an approving manner.
APPROVING adv. APPROVE, to regard favourably.
CALYPTROGENcalyptrogen n. Rootcap.
CALYPTROGEN n. the layer of cells on the growing tip of a root giving rise to the root cap.
DENDROGLYPHdendroglyph n. Any of various symbols carved into tree trunks by native peoples.
DENDROGLYPH n. an ancient carving on a tree.
DEPLORINGLYdeploringly adv. In a deploring manner.
DEPLORING adv. DEPLORE, to regret strongly.
IMPLORINGLYimploringly adv. Beseechingly; in a manner that beseeches or implores.
IMPLORING adv. IMPLORE, to beg for urgently.
IMPROVINGLYimprovingly adv. In a manner that tends to improve (especially, (dated), to educate or morally better a person).
IMPROVING adv. IMPROVE, to make better.
OVERPLAYINGoverplaying v. Present participle of overplay.
OVERPLAY v. to exaggerate.
PLANOGRAPHYplanography n. (Printing) A form of printing from a flat surface, as opposed to a raised or incised one.
planography n. (Medicine) Medical tomography.
PLANOGRAPHY n. cartography.
PLAYGROUNDSplaygrounds n. Plural of playground.
PLAYGROUND n. a piece of land used for and usually equipped with facilities for recreation esp. by children.
PONDERINGLYponderingly adv. In a pondering way; with deep thought.
PONDERING adv. PONDER, to consider deeply.
POTTERINGLYpotteringly adv. So as to potter; in a slow and aimless manner.
POTTERING adv. busying oneself with trifling tasks.
PROMISINGLYpromisingly adv. In a promising manner.
PROMISING adv. PROMISE, to make a declaration of assurance.
PROSELYTINGproselyting v. Present participle of proselyte.
PROSELYTE v. to become a proselyte.
PROVOKINGLYprovokingly adv. In a provoking manner.
PROVOKING adv. PROVOKE, to arouse to anger or sexual desire.
REDEPLOYINGredeploying v. Present participle of redeploy.
REDEPLOY v. to deploy again.
REEMPLOYINGreemploying v. Present participle of reemploy.
reëmploying v. Present participle of reëmploy.
re-employing v. Present participle of re-employ.
REPORTINGLYreportingly adv. (Obsolete, rare) By common report or rumour.
REPORTING adv. giving an account of.
REPROVINGLYreprovingly adv. In a reproving manner.
REPROVING adv. REPROVE, to rebuke sternly.
VAPOURINGLYvapouringly adv. With bragging or bluster.
VAPOURING adv. vaporous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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