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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing G, I, N, O, S, U and Y

BODYSURFINGbodysurfing v. Present participle of bodysurf.
body-surfing v. Present participle of body-surf.
body␣surfing v. Present participle of body surf.
BUSYBODYINGbusybodying n. The behaviour of a busybody; interference, meddlesomeness.
BUSYBODYING n. acting like a busybody.
CAROUSINGLYcarousingly adv. In a carousing manner.
CAROUSING adv. making merry.
CONFUSINGLYconfusingly adv. In a confusing manner.
CONFUSING adv. CONFUSE, to mix up mentally.
CONSUMINGLYconsumingly adv. In a consuming manner; so as to consume.
CONSUMING adv. wasting or destroying.
COURTESYINGcourtesying n. Gerund of courtesy: an act of curtseying.
courtesying v. Present participle of courtesy.
COURTESY v. to curtsey.
GLUTINOSITYglutinosity n. The quality of being glutinous or viscous.
GLUTINOSITY n. the state of being glutinous.
GLUTINOUSLYglutinously adv. In a glutinous manner.
GLUTINOUS adv. gluey; sticky.
GYNOSTEMIUMgynostemium n. (Botany) A reproductive structure, in some plants, formed by fusion of the stamens and pistil.
GYNOSTEMIUM n. the central reproductive stalk of an orchid, which consists of a stamen and pistil fused together.
HONEYGUIDEShoneyguides n. Plural of honeyguide.
honey␣guides n. Plural of honey guide.
HONEYGUIDE n. an African bird that guides men and ratels to honey.
INGENIOUSLYingeniously adv. In an ingenious manner; using ingenuity.
INGENIOUS adv. cunningly devised.
INGENUOUSLYingenuously adv. In an ingenuous manner; frankly, straightforwardly.
INGENUOUS adv. showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness; lacking craft or subtlety.
OUTPSYCHINGoutpsyching v. Present participle of outpsych.
outpsyching v. Present participle of outpsyche.
OUTPSYCH v. to defeat by psychological means.
OUTSTUDYINGoutstudying v. Present participle of outstudy.
OUTSTUDY v. to surpass in studying.
OVERBUSYINGoverbusying v. Present participle of overbusy.
OVERBUSY v. to occupy oneself too much.
PHILOGYNOUSphilogynous adj. Fond of women.
PHILOGYNOUS adj. loving women.
SLOUCHINGLYslouchingly adv. With a slouching posture or motion.
SLOUCHING adv. SLOUCH, to sit, stand, or move with a drooping posture.
SOUTHSAYINGsouthsaying n. Obsolete form of soothsaying.
SOUTHSAY v. to foretell, to divine, also SOOTHSAY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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