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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing G, I, L, O, 2R and U

BURGLARIOUSburglarious adj. Being or resembling a burglar.
BURGLARIOUS adj. (facetious) like a burglar.
GRANULIFORMgranuliform adj. (Mineralogy) Having a granular structure.
GRANULIFORM adj. having the form of a granule.
GUERRILLEROguerrillero n. A guerrilla fighter.
GUERRILLERO n. a guerrilla, someone who takes part in guerrilla warfare.
IRRELIGIOUSirreligious adj. Having no relation to religion.
irreligious adj. Contrary to religious beliefs and practices.
IRRELIGIOUS adj. neglectful of religion.
OVERRULINGSoverrulings n. Plural of overruling.
OVERRULING n. the act of overruling.
PURGATORIALpurgatorial adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling purgatory.
purgatorial adj. That purifies by removing sin; expiatory.
PURGATORIAL adj. relating to purgatory, also PURGATORIAN.
RECOLOURINGrecolouring v. Present participle of recolour.
RECOLOUR v. to colour again, also RECOLOR.
TORTURINGLYtorturingly adv. So as to torture.
torturingly adv. Extremely; painfully.
TORTURING adv. causing severe physical pain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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