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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing G, I, 2L, M, N and T

COLLIMATINGcollimating v. Present participle of collimate.
collimating adj. That collimates, or employs collimation.
COLLIMATE v. to make parallel; to adjust accurately the line of sight of (an optical instrument, such as a surveying telescope).
EMOLLIATINGemolliating v. Present participle of emolliate.
EMOLLIATE v. to soften; to render effeminate.
LAMENTINGLYlamentingly adv. In an lamenting manner.
LAMENTING adv. expressing sorrow or regret.
LIMNOLOGISTlimnologist n. A specialist in limnology.
LIMNOLOGIST n. one who studies limnology, the study of bodies of fresh water.
MALIGNANTLYmalignantly adv. In a malignant manner.
MALIGNANT adv. evil, malign.
METALLIDINGMETALLIDING n. a high-temperature electrolytic technique for creating metal alloys on the surface of metals.
METALLISINGmetallising v. Present participle of metallise.
METALLISE v. to make or treat with metal, also METALISE, METALIZE, METALLIZE.
METALLIZINGmetallizing v. Present participle of metallize.
METALLIZE v. to make or treat with metal, also METALISE, METALIZE, METALLISE.
MOTHBALLINGmothballing v. Present participle of mothball.
mothballing n. The act of something being mothballed: taken out of service and stored for possible later use.
MOTHBALL v. to put into mothballs.
MULTIPLYINGmultiplying v. Present participle of multiply.
multiplying n. An act of multiplication.
MULTIPLY v. to increase in number.
OUTSMELLINGoutsmelling v. Present participle of outsmell.
OUTSMELL v. to surpass in smelling.
STUMBLINGLYstumblingly adv. In a stumbling way; unsteadily, haltingly.
STUMBLING adv. STUMBLE, to trip when walking or running.
TRAMMELLINGtrammelling v. (Britain) present participle of trammel.
trammelling n. A hindrance or impediment.
TRAMMEL v. to hinder, also TRAMEL, TRAMELL.
TREMBLINGLYtremblingly adv. In a trembling manner.
TREMBLING adv. shaking involuntarily.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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