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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing G, 2I, N, 2T and V

AESTIVATINGaestivating v. Present participle of aestivate.
aestivating v. Alternative spelling of estivating.
æstivating v. Present participle of æstivate.
ANTIGRAVITYantigravity n. Alternative spelling of anti-gravity.
anti-gravity n. (Science fiction) Any of various concepts, systems or devices that would oppose or cancel out the force of gravity.
ANTIGRAVITY n. a hypothetical effect resulting from cancellation or reduction of a gravitational field.
CAPTIVATINGcaptivating adj. That captivates; fascinating.
captivating adj. Showing great beauty; beautiful.
captivating v. Present participle of captivate.
COGNITIVITYCOGNITIVITY n. the state of being cognitive.
CULTIVATINGcultivating v. Present participle of cultivate.
CULTIVATE v. to till or produce by tillage.
GRAVITATINGgravitating v. Present participle of gravitate.
GRAVITATE v. to move under the influence of gravitation.
GRAVITATIONgravitation n. (Physics) The fundamental force of attraction that exists between all particles with mass in the universe…
GRAVITATION n. the force of attraction between masses.
INSTIGATIVEinstigative adj. Tending to instigate.
INSTIGATIVE adj. serving to instigate.
INTEGRATIVEintegrative adj. (Sciences) Tending toward or promoting integration.
INTEGRATIVE adj. serving to integrate or favoring integration.
INVESTIGATEinvestigate v. (Transitive) To inquire into or study in order to ascertain facts or information.
investigate v. (Transitive) To examine, look into, or scrutinize in order to discover something hidden or secret.
investigate v. (Intransitive) To conduct an inquiry or examination.
NEGATIVISTSnegativists n. Plural of negativist.
NEGATIVIST n. one who practises negativism, a tendency to deny and criticise, without offering positive suggestions.
OUTSTRIVINGOUTSTRIVE v. to surpass in striving.
OUTTHIEVINGOUTTHIEVE v. to surpass at thieving.
OVERHITTINGoverhitting v. Present participle of overhit.
OVERHIT v. to hit a ball beyond a target.
TITTIVATINGtittivating v. Present participle of tittivate.
TITTIVATE v. to spruce up or adorn, also TIDIVATE, TITIVATE.
UNRIVETTINGUNRIVET v. to take out, or loose, the rivets of; as, to unrivet boiler plates.
VENTILATINGventilating v. Present participle of ventilate.
VENTILATE v. to supply with air.
VIGNETTINGSvignettings n. Plural of vignetting.
VIGNETTING n. the art of making vignettes.
VIGNETTISTSvignettists n. Plural of vignettist.
VIGNETTIST n. one who paints vignettes, also VIGNETTER.
VINAIGRETTEvinaigrette n. A sauce, made of an acidic liquid such as vinegar or lemon juice; oil; and other ingredients, used as…
vinaigrette n. (Obsolete) A small perforated box for holding aromatic vinegar contained in a sponge, or a smelling…
vinaigrette n. (Obsolete) A small, two-wheeled vehicle, like a Bath chair, to be drawn or pushed by a person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 44 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 14 words

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