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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing G, 2I, 2L, T and Y

BLIGHTINGLYblightingly adv. So as to blight.
BLIGHTING adv. causing decay.
ELIGIBILITYeligibility n. The state, quality, or the fact of being eligible.
ELIGIBILITY n. the state of being eligible.
GENITIVALLYgenitivally adv. In a genitival manner.
GENITIVAL adv. relating to the genitive case.
GULLIBILITYgullibility n. The quality of readily believing information, truthful or otherwise, usually to an absurd extent.
GULLIBILITY n. the state of being gullible.
INFLATINGLYinflatingly adv. In an inflating manner.
INFLATING adv. INFLATE, to expand with air or gas.
INSULTINGLYinsultingly adv. In an insulting manner; to a degree that causes insult.
INSULTING adv. INSULT, to subject to indignity.
LITIGIOUSLYlitigiously adv. In a litigious manner.
LITIGIOUS adv. having ready recourse to litigation.
LOITERINGLYloiteringly adv. In a loitering manner.
LOITERING adv. standing idly.
MULTIPLYINGmultiplying v. Present participle of multiply.
multiplying n. An act of multiplication.
MULTIPLY v. to increase in number.
PLAYLISTINGplaylisting v. Present participle of playlist.
PLAYLIST v. to put onto a playlist.
SLIGHTINGLYslightingly adv. (Archaic) In a slighting manner, belittlingly.
SLIGHTING adv. SLIGHT, to treat with disregard.
STELLIFYINGstellifying v. Present participle of stellify.
STELLIFYING n. the act of turning into star.
SYLLOGISTICsyllogistic adj. Of or pertaining to a syllogism.
SYLLOGISTIC adj. relating to syllogism, an argument in which two premises lead to a logical conclusion.
THRILLINGLYthrillingly adv. In a thrilling manner.
THRILLING adv. THRILL, to excite greatly.
TRICKLINGLYtricklingly adv. In a trickling way.
TRICKLING adv. in small drops.
UPLIFTINGLYupliftingly adv. In an uplifting manner.
UPLIFTING adv. inspiring.
VESTIGIALLYvestigially adv. In a vestigial manner.
VESTIGIAL adv. of or like a vestige.
WHISTLINGLYwhistlingly adv. With a whistling sound.
WHISTLING adv. of e.g. a wind, making a shrill, clear musical sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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