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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing G, H, 2I, N, O and Z

AUTHORIZINGauthorizing v. Present participle of authorize.
AUTHORIZE v. to give authority to, also AUTHORISE.
EUPHONIZINGeuphonizing v. Present participle of euphonize.
EUPHONIZE v. to make euphonic, pleasant sounding, also EUPHONISE.
GAZILLIONTHgazillionth adj. (Informal) The ordinal form of the number gazillion.
gazillionth n. (Informal) The person or thing in the gazillionth position.
gazillionth n. (Informal) One of a gazillion equal parts of a whole.
GHETTOIZINGghettoizing v. Present participle of ghettoize.
GHETTOIZE v. to confine to a ghetto, also GHETTOISE.
GOTHICIZINGGothicizing v. Present participle of Gothicize.
GOTHICIZE v. to make Gothic, also GOTHICISE.
HARMONIZINGharmonizing v. Present participle of harmonize.
HARMONIZE v. to bring into harmony, also HARMONISE.
HERBORIZINGherborizing v. Present participle of herborize.
herborizing n. A botanical expedition for the purpose of finding and classifying plant species.
HERBORIZE v. to search for plants, or new species of plants, with a view to classifying them, also HERBORISE.
HEROICIZINGheroicizing v. Present participle of heroicize.
HEROICIZE v. to make heroic, also HEROICISE.
HYPNOTIZINGhypnotizing v. Present participle of hypnotize.
HYPNOTIZE v. to put in a state of hypnosis, also HYPNOTISE.
METHODIZINGmethodizing v. Present participle of methodize.
METHODIZE v. to reduce to method; to arrange in an orderly way; as, to methodize one's work or thoughts, also METHODISE.
MOLOCHIZINGMolochizing v. Present participle of Molochize.
MOLOCHIZE v. to sacrifice (as to Moloch), also MOLOCHISE.
PHONETIZINGphonetizing v. Present participle of phonetize.
PHONETIZE v. to represent phonetically, also PHONETICISE, PHONETICIZE, PHONETISE.
RHETORIZINGrhetorizing v. Present participle of rhetorize.
RHETORIZE v. (obsolete) to use rhetorical language, also RHETORISE.
RHODANIZINGrhodanizing v. Present participle of rhodanize.
RHODANIZE v. to electroplate with rhodium, also RHODANISE.
RHOTACIZINGrhotacizing v. Present participle of rhotacize.
RHOTACIZE v. to change to an r- sound, esp. from z, also RHOTACISE.
SCHIZOGENICschizogenic adj. Relating to schizogony.
schizogenic adj. Causing schizophrenia.
SCHIZOGENIC adj. reproducing, reproduced, or formed by fission or splitting, also SCHIZOGENETIC.
SCHIZOGONICschizogonic adj. Relating to schizogony.
SCHIZOGONIC adj. relating to schizogony.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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