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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing G, N, O, P, 2R and S

GASTROPORNgastroporn n. Enticing food imagery, typically found in books, magazines, social media , and television programs related…
GASTROPORN n. the representation of food in a highly sensual manner.
PORRENGERSporrengers n. Plural of porrenger.
PORRENGER n. a small dish for soup or porridge, also PORRINGER, POTTINGER.
PORRINGERSporringers n. Plural of porringer.
PORRINGER n. a small dish for soup or porridge, also PORRENGER, POTTINGER.
PRESCORINGprescoring v. Present participle of prescore.
PRESCORE v. to record the sound before filming.
PRESORTINGpresorting v. Present participle of presort.
PRESORT v. to sort beforehand.
PRESTORINGPRESTORE v. to store beforehand.
PRIMROSINGprimrosing v. Present participle of primrose.
primrosing n. A defect in improperly packaged butter, leading to discoloration and impaired flavour.
PRIMROSE v. to gather primroses.
PROCURINGSPROCURING n. the act of obtaining.
PROLONGERSprolongers n. Plural of prolonger.
PROLONGER n. one who, or that which, causes an extension in time or space.
PRONGHORNSpronghorns n. Plural of pronghorn.
PRONGHORN n. a North American ruminant, the sole member of the family Antilocapridae, resembling an antelope but having deciduous hooked horns in the male.
PROSPERINGprospering v. Present participle of prosper.
PROSPER v. to be successful.
REPORTINGSreportings n. Plural of reporting.
REPORTING n. the act of reporting.
SANDGROPERsandgroper n. (Australia, humorous) An inhabitant of Western Australia.
sandgroper n. Any species of the family Cylindrachetidae of subterranean insects, found in Australia, New Guinea and Argentina.
SANDGROPER n. (Australian slang) a pioneer at the time of the gold rush.
SPRINGFORMspringform n. (Often attributive) A round baking tin with a rim that can be detached from the base.
SPRINGWORTspringwort n. The plant St John’s wort.
SPRINGWORT n. a root thought to be magical, perhaps mandrake.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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