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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing G, M, N, O, P, R and S

ANGIOSPERMangiosperm n. (Botany) Any plant of the clade Angiosperms, characterized by having ovules enclosed in an ovary; a flowering plant.
ANGIOSPERM n. a plant of the Angiospermae, one of the main divisions of flowering plants, in which the seeds are in a closed ovary, not naked as in gymnosperms.
COMPRISINGcomprising v. Present participle of comprise.
COMPRISE v. to include or contain, also COMPRIZE.
GYMNOSPERMgymnosperm n. (Botany) Any plant such as a conifer whose seeds are not enclosed in an ovary.
GYMNOSPERM n. a plant with the ovules borne naked or unprotected, the conifers or cone-bearing plants and their allies.
IMPORTINGSIMPORTING n. the act of importing.
MONOGRAPHSmonographs n. Plural of monograph.
MONOGRAPH v. to write a monograph.
MORPHOGENSmorphogens n. Plural of morphogen.
MORPHOGEN n. a chemical substance that exerts an influence on morphogenesis.
NEPHOGRAMSnephograms n. Plural of nephogram.
NEPHOGRAM n. a photograph of clouds.
NOMOGRAPHSnomographs n. Plural of nomograph.
NOMOGRAPH n. a chart or diagram of scaled lines or curves used to assist in mathematical calculations, also NOMOGRAM.
PHONOGRAMSphonograms n. Plural of phonogram.
PHONOGRAM n. a letter, character, or mark used to represent a particular sound.
PHORMINGESphorminges n. Plural of phorminx.
PHORMINX n. (Greek) a kind of lyre used by the Greeks.
PLANOGRAMSplanograms n. Plural of planogram.
PLANOGRAM n. a schematic drawing or plan for displaying merchandise in a store so as to maximize sales.
PRIMROSINGprimrosing v. Present participle of primrose.
primrosing n. A defect in improperly packaged butter, leading to discoloration and impaired flavour.
PRIMROSE v. to gather primroses.
PROMPTINGSpromptings n. Plural of prompting.
PROMPTING n. the act of supplying a prompt.
REIMPOSINGreimposing v. Present participle of reimpose.
REIMPOSE v. to impose again.
SPERMOGONESPERMOGONE n. a flask-shaped structure in some fungi, also SPERMOGONIUM.
SPHENOGRAMsphenogram n. A cuneiform character.
SPHENOGRAM n. a cuneiform character.
SPONGIFORMspongiform adj. Like a sponge, porous, full of holes.
SPONGIFORM adj. resembling a sponge; soft and porous.
SPORANGIUMsporangium n. (Botany, mycology) A case, capsule, or container in which spores are produced by an organism.
SPORANGIUM n. a chamber inside of which spores are produced through meiosis.
SPRINGFORMspringform n. (Often attributive) A round baking tin with a rim that can be detached from the base.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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