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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing G, I, O, P, S and 2T

BESPOTTINGbespotting v. Present participle of bespot.
BESPOT v. to cover with spots.
EPIGLOTTISepiglottis n. (Anatomy) A cartilaginous organ in the throat of terrestrial vertebrates covering the glottis when swallowing…
EPIGLOTTIS n. a cartilaginous flap over the glottis.
NIGHTSPOTSnightspots n. Plural of nightspot.
NIGHTSPOT n. a nightclub.
OPTOLOGISToptologist n. One who studies optology.
OPTOLOGIST n. an optician.
POSTDATINGpostdating v. Present participle of postdate.
postdating n. (Lexicography) A later citation of a lexical item.
POSTDATE v. to date after the real time.
POSTFLIGHTpostflight adj. After a flight.
POSTFLIGHT adj. after a flight.
POSTMATINGpostmating adj. (Biology) After mating.
POSTMATING adj. that takes place after mating.
POTTERINGSpotterings n. Plural of pottering.
POTTERING n. the act of pottering.
POTTINGERSpottingers n. Plural of pottinger.
Pottingers prop.n. Plural of Pottinger.
POTTINGER n. a small dish for soup or porridge, also PORRENGER, PORRINGER.
PROGLOTTISproglottis n. One of the free, or nearly free, segments of a tapeworm. It contains both male and female reproductive…
PROGLOTTIS n. a segment of a tapeworm, also PROGLOTTID.
PROTESTINGprotesting v. Present participle of protest.
protesting n. Protestation.
PROTEST v. to express strong objection.
REPOTTINGSrepottings n. Plural of repotting.
REPOTTING n. the act of repotting.
RESPOTTINGrespotting v. Present participle of respot.
RESPOT v. to spot again.
SPOTLIGHTSspotlights n. Plural of spotlight.
spotlights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spotlight.
SPOTLIGHT v. to highlight.
STOPLIGHTSstoplights n. Plural of stoplight.
stop␣lights n. Plural of stop light.
STOPLIGHT n. the brake light on a car.
TIGHTROPEStightropes n. Plural of tightrope.
tight-ropes n. Plural of tight-rope.
tight␣ropes n. Plural of tight rope.
TOPOLOGISTtopologist n. A mathematician who specializes in topology.
TOPOLOGIST n. one who studies topology.
TUPTOWINGSTUPTOWING n. working at Greek conjugation.
TYPOLOGISTtypologist n. A linguist who specializes in linguistic typology.
TYPOLOGIST n. a student of typology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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