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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing G, I, 2L, N and 2O

BALLOONINGballooning adj. Growing rapidly as a balloon.
ballooning adj. Rising high in the air.
ballooning n. The act of something that swells or expands.
BOLLOCKINGbollocking n. (Taboo slang, chiefly non-US) A severe reprimand.
BOLLOCKING n. a reprimand.
COLLOGUINGcolloguing v. Present participle of collogue.
COLLOGUE v. to converse confidentially; to conspire with.
COLLOQUINGcolloquing v. Present participle of colloque.
COLLOQUE v. (French) to hold a colloquy.
ENOLOGICALenological adj. Alternative spelling of oenological.
ENOLOGICAL adj. relating to enology, the science of wine, also OENOLOGICAL.
FOLLOWINGSfollowings n. Plural of following.
FOLLOWING n. a body of supporters.
LIMNOLOGIClimnologic adj. Synonym of limnological.
LIMNOLOGIC adj. relating to limnology, the study of bodies of fresh water, also LIMNOLOGICAL.
LOGROLLINGlogrolling n. (Countable, US) The rolling of logs from one place to another; an occasion when people meet to help…
logrolling n. (Uncountable, US politics, figuratively) A concerted effort to push forward mutually advantageous legislative…
logrolling n. (Uncountable, US, figuratively) Mutual recommendation of friends’ or colleagues’ services or products…
LOOPHOLINGloopholing v. Present participle of loophole.
LOOPHOLE v. to make small openings in.
NEOLOGICALneological adj. Of or pertaining to neology.
NEOLOGICAL adj. of or pertaining to neology; employing new words, also NEOLOGIC.
NONLOGICALnonlogical adj. Not logical; not pertaining to logic.
non-logical adj. Alternative spelling of nonlogical.
NONLOGICAL adj. not logical.
OUTPOLLINGoutpolling v. Present participle of outpoll.
OUTPOLL v. to get more votes than.
OUTROLLINGoutrolling v. Present participle of outroll.
outrolling n. The action or result of something rolling outward.
OUTROLL v. to roll out.
ROLLOCKINGrollocking v. Present participle of rollock.
rollocking n. Alternative form of rollicking.
rollocking adj. Alternative form of rollicking.
SCOLLOPINGscolloping v. Present participle of scollop.
SCOLLOP v. to indent like a shell, also SCALLOP, ESCALLOP, ESCALOP.
TROLLOPINGtrolloping v. Present participle of trollop.
TROLLOP v. to act or dress like a trollop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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