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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2G, 2I, 2N and O

ANGIOGENICangiogenic adj. Relating to angiogenesis.
angiogenic adj. Of or pertaining to blood vessels.
ANGIOGENIC adj. relating to angiogenesis, the development of blood vessels and heart tissue in the embryo.
COMINGLINGcomingling v. Present participle of comingle.
co-mingling v. Present participle of co-mingle.
COMINGLE v. to blend thoroughly.
CONSIGNINGconsigning v. Present participle of consign.
CONSIGN v. to give over to another's care.
DIAGNOSINGdiagnosing v. Present participle of diagnose.
DIAGNOSE v. to identify a disease by symptoms.
DISGOWNINGdisgowning v. Present participle of disgown.
DISGOWN v. to strip of a gown.
DISPONGINGdisponging v. Present participle of disponge.
DISPONGE v. to sprinkle, also DISPUNGE.
GANGLIONICganglionic adj. Of, pertaining to, or composed of ganglia.
GANGLIONIC adj. pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, ganglia or ganglion cells.
INGROOVINGingrooving v. Present participle of ingroove.
INGROOVE v. to fit into a groove, also ENGROOVE.
INGROSSINGingrossing v. Present participle of ingross.
INGROSS v. to completely absorb one's attention, also ENGROSS.
LONGLININGlonglining n. Fishing with a longline.
long-lining n. A type of commercial fishing using a very long line with many baited hooks attached along its length.
ORGANISINGorganising v. Present participle of organise.
organising n. The act or process by which something is organised.
ORGANISING n. the act of arranging something.
ORGANIZINGorganizing v. Present participle of organize.
organizing n. The act or process by which something is organized.
ORGANIZING n. the act of arranging something.
OUTGAININGoutgaining v. Present participle of outgain.
OUTGAIN v. to gain more than.
OUTRINGINGoutringing v. Present participle of outring.
OUTRING v. to ring louder than.
OUTSINGINGoutsinging v. Present participle of outsing.
OUTSING v. to surpass in singing.
OUTWINGINGoutwinging v. Present participle of outwing.
OUTWING v. to fly beyond.
PIGEONWINGpigeonwing n. A wing of a pigeon, or a wing like it.
pigeonwing n. An old style of dressing men’s side hair in a form resembling a pigeon’s wings; or a wig of similar shape.
pigeonwing n. A fancy dance step executed by jumping and striking the legs together.
UNOBLIGINGunobliging adj. Not obliging; unhelpful, disobedient.
UNOBLIGING adj. not obliging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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